Page 110 of Tattered Obsession

"Then why are you here?" I demand, stepping forward, unable to contain myself any longer. "To posture and make threats? To convince yourself you have some claim to this city? Tome?You're delusional." I jerk my head back at Theo, Tristan, Liam, and the other assembled men. "And you're outnumbered. So whyareyou here,sweetheart?" My tone oozes derision.

A shark-like grin spreads across Lucas's face, and I realize too late that it's not directed at me. I might as well not even exist, because my husband's attention is all on my father and Victor. "Why am I here?" he asks distantly. "I guess you could say I'm here with a question.”

"What question is that?" Victor asks, examining his fingernails as if he’s bored by his son’s theatrics.

"Whether you'd be willing to go out peacefully," Lucas replies, and the vague alarm in the back of my mind is now ringing at full fucking volume. "And it looks like I have my answer.”

My hand flies out to grab Theo's arm, panic surging through me. Something is very, very wrong.

Victor chuckles, not even looking at Lucas. "You really think that, boy? That's how you get yourself killed." He glances up, his eyes flinty. "Now, go on. Raise your arms and fall in line, or I swear, you won't get a single fucking scrap when I—"

Those are the last words Victor Emmerico ever says.

The events unfold in slow motion before me, and I can barely hear my own shout of panic over the thundering of my heartbeat. I watch as Lucas gives a nod to one of Victor's own men—the one who moved to stand closer to him earlier. Without hesitation, the guard draws his pistol in one fluid movement, puts it to Victor's head, and pulls the trigger. Blood flies, and the leader of the Emmerico family drops to the floor, dead.

I stare in horror and shock, my eyes widening. None of the guys says anything, and even Theo, for all his composure, looks completely blindsided by what’s just happened. For a moment, nobody speaks, and then Lucas breaks the silence. "Thanks, Reggie," he says to Victor's bodyguard.

“What the fuck are you doing?” my father demands, drawing his gun and training it on Lucas.

“Taking charge,” Lucas replies, not even looking at him. “Boys,” he says, turning to the rest of his men, “I happily accept your nomination to lead the Emmerico syndicate. It’s a tough job, but somebody has to do it.” He chuckles at his own joke. “As for you, Dalton,” he adds, glancing at my father, “consider this your final warning. You want peace? You’ll give me control.”

“Like hell,” my father barks, his men drawing their own guns.

“Shame,” Lucas says, shrugging his shoulders, “but no surprise, I guess.” He signals to his men, then nods to Victor’s bodyguards, who are still standing around, completely nonplussed. "Kill them all.”

In the space of a few seconds, the reading room erupts into chaos. Lucas's men move first, Victor's men already in action as all of them begin shooting indiscriminately at us and Craig's guys.They were all on his side,I realize belatedly.Victor's men were working for Lucas this whole time.

That's all I have time to process before a stray bullet whizzes past my ear, coming within centimeters of clipping me. Our men are only moments slower to react, roaring in anger as they draw their weapons. Theo moves to cover me as the first bullets from our side start flying. Tristan yells and begins to fire back from behind us as Liam pushes ahead, drawing his gun. Theo grips my wrist, pulling me down to keep me away from the shots as we rush to escape the line of fire.

Stick to the plan,I remind myself through my panic.We knew this was a possibility.

"What's the matter, Theo?" Lucas demands as we duck behind a bookshelf, crouching and trying our very best to keep low. "Afraid to fight your own battles now? Or do you just like the idea of getting away with your little bitch that much?”

He's taunting us, trying to get Theo to move. To his credit, he stays put, eyes narrowed as he glances protectively at me. I shake my head and point at the doorway, where Craig is returning fire, two of his own bodyguards at his sides. They'll let us through... I hope.

Lucas pauses to reload his gun. Stealing a peek around the shelf, I catch sight of Liam and Tristan sheltering behind an overturned table—like a repeat of the scene at the Diamond Lounge,I think bitterly. Both of them have their guns pointed at Lucas's men. They're safe and accounted for as they volley shots back, but my heart still wrenches with worry for them as I duck back behind cover.

"Tell you what, Theo," Lucas taunts as he finishes reloading his magazine, "You fucked my wife, and you tried to steal what's rightfully mine, but I might still be willing to let you live. Take a knee, and I'll throw Vivian in with the deal, too.”

He's lying, of course, and we both know it. "Fuck you," Theo growls under his breath.

Lucas cackles. "You never did know when to give up, did you? Well, it was worth a shot." He turns and fires at Liam and Tristan, and my heart stops when a bullet soars over Liam's head.

He's going scorched earth on us,I think.He'll never stopuntil everyone we care about is—

My thoughts skid to a halt when I realize I don't know where my father is. "Dad?" I shout, trying to look around the bookshelf again.

"We have to go, kid," Theo mutters. "Stick to the plan. First opening we get.”

As if on cue, Craig jerks his head at the doorway behind him, and I know this might be our only chance. Theo's eyes meet mine again, and he nods, his mouth set in a grim line. With a breath, we step out from behind the shelf… and right into the line of fire. Bullets ping back and forth, shattering glass and tearing through books, but I barely see them. I'm looking over my shoulder, my eyes locked on Tristan and Liam, who are holding their own.

"Go, Vivi!" Liam shouts in response. "We'll handle this son of a bitch!”

"Get somewhere safe!" Tristan adds. "We'll be right behind you!”

"Not likely," Lucas replies, advancing on them, only to be driven back by a near-hit from Liam's gun. "I'll put your little boy-toys down just like I did your father.”

I stop dead in my tracks, my blood running cold.