Page 69 of Tattered Obsession

“I know,” I reply, straightening up. “Nature of the business, right? They shot first.”

Liam runs a hand through his hair. “Not exactly Han Solo, though, am I?” He sighs. “We’ll have to have someone come and clean this up. Let’s just hope these guys haven’t already reported back to whoever sent them.” He turns to me. “Come on, let’s get you back.”

I nod, and when he extends a hand, I accept it without hesitation.


“This is bullshit,” Tristan growls, pacing back and forth in the kitchen.

“I hate to break it to you, mate,” Liam says, “but it’s not. They were made men, not ours, and they weren’t there just to ask for directions.”

“You know that’s not what I’m talking about,” Tristan snaps, his blue eyes drifting momentarily over to me, and for a moment I could almost swear I see something like worry on them.

Not worry for me, I remind myself. This is his doorstep these guys are on.

Tristan’s gaze lingers a moment longer, and I have time to swallow and look away before he continues, “If they weren’t Lucas’s guys, it means one of the other families is looking for Vivian too. Could be a power grab.”

“Why would going after me help one of the other families?” I interject.

“Like it or not, Mrs. Emmerico,” Lucas says, “you’re at the center of the new alliance. You’re…” He stops dead, looks away, and finishes, “You’re more important than you think.”

“I’m sorry, was that a compliment?” I ask, eyeing him incredulously. “Did you just compliment me, Tristan?”

He ignores the quip, but I don’t miss the way he tenses a little in response.

“We’re missing the big problem here,” Theo interjects. He’s standing by the windows, staring out into the night as he listens to the back-and-forth. It’s the first time he’s said anything, and when he turns around, his expression is serious. “If these guys were here for Vivian—and I suspect they were—then that means there’s been a leak. Someone’s communicating with Lucas.”

“There’s no way,” Tristan says, shaking his head. “I vetted all of my men myself. They’ve been here since my parents’ days. They wouldn’t pull something like that.”

“We’re assuming the guys knew for sure that Vivian was here,” Liam points out. “They were following us. It’s possible they figured out she was in the area and were trying to track down the location of the safe house.”

“We can’t be sure,” Theo says. His expression is dark. “And we can’t afford to make assumptions. If Lucas gets to Vivian…” He trails off, his eyes finding mine, and the look on his face speaks volumes.

The muscles of Tristan’s jaw clench, but he doesn’t argue. Once more, he glances my way, and once more, something unreadable flashes in his blue eyes. “What do you say, then?” he asks Theo finally. “We’ll follow you.”

Theo thinks for a moment, and then replies, “Double up the security on this place. No one gets in without express permission. Tristan, I need you to look into everyone on the payroll. If someone’s been feeding information to Lucas, I want to know.”

Tristan nods. “I’ll find it, Theo.”

“And me?” Liam asks, leaning back in his chair. “I know you’re not gonna put me on desk duty, Theo.” He grins.

Theo chuckles. “No, I’m not. Keep training Vivian, but you’ll have to do it here. No more late-night runs to the gym until we figure out what’s going on.”

“Believe me,” I say, “I’d rather avoid getting shot again.”

Theo gives me a grim smile. “I’m not surprised. And Liam,” he adds, turning back to him, “don’t let her out of your sight.”

The others eventually go to bed, leaving the guards to disperse to their posts and settle in for another night in hiding. I wish I could just go to bed, but I’m too shaken up from what’s happened to sleep. Instead, I linger at the kitchen island, trying to get the sounds of the gunshots out of my mind. Violence is a part of this business, I remind myself, but that doesn’t change the shock of having been inches from death—again.

If this is my introduction to the realities of the mafia… What else could lie in store for me?

“I’d offer to make you a coffee, but that seems like the wrong move right now,” comes a familiar Irish lilt. I turn to see Liam standing in the doorway, arms crossed over his chest. “Mind if I join you?” he asks, nodding to the seat beside me.

“Be my guest.” I pull it out for him as he approaches. “Can’t sleep either, huh?”

He shakes his head as he settles down next to me. “Never can, after a shooting.”

I turn to him, propping my head up on my hand. “I’m surprised.”