Page 60 of Tattered Obsession

“And just who might that be?”

“Tristan Archer, if you need to know,” Sienna replies, examining her fingernails.

“Yeah,” Lucas says, nodding. “I think I’ve met him once or twice. He did a lot of the books for my brother.” He gives her a derisive smirk. “It doesn’t sound like you’ve got a lot of faith in him.”

“My faith in him isn’t the problem,” Sienna snaps. “His proximity to your wife certainly is. I’m sure you can understand wanting to protect what’s yours.”

“Cut to the chase, then.” Lucas takes a step toward her, towering over her as he stares her down. “Why are you wasting my time with this?”

“Because I may be able to help you find your missing wife.” Sienna cocks her head to the side.

Lucas snorts. “And just how do you plan to do that?”

“Well, for one thing...” She grins. “I happen to have seen your brother just recently. Four days ago, as a matter of fact, at an estate belonging to Tristan’s family.”

Lucas pales, icy fury burning inside him. “Was my wife there?”

“No,” Sienna replies. “But I’m willing to bet she was there before.” She gives him a meaningful look. “And if I’m right, then she’s not far from where they’re holed up. I would be more than happy to follow this hunch... for the right incentive.”

“You mean, other than me not blowing your head off for trespassing on Emmerico territory?”

Sienna doesn’t laugh. “What I’m offering is this, Mr. Emmerico: I follow up on this lead, at no expense to you. You’re not the only one around here with resources, after all.”

“And you really think you can do that?” Lucas demands. “You think I haven’t had my men combing this fucking city, turning the countryside upside down to find her?”

“Your men,” Sienna corrects. “Not mine. And as... difficult as things have been between me and Tristan, I have one thing at my disposal that you don’t.”

“Which is?”

“Connection to your brother.” Her half-smile grows. “My father is an idiot, but he’s a useful idiot. As long as he stays on Theo’s good side, I’ll have access to his information. And I know he won’t want to lose my father’s backing, not if he wants to keep this burgeoning operation of his from going under before it gets off the ground. That means keeping our family in the loop... including me.”

Lucas has to hand it to her: she has a manipulator’s mind. If he weren’t a married man, he might have even been willing to go a round or two with her—she’s got the body for it, after all—but the strategist in him still has questions. “And you think they’ll let you hang around?” Lucas asks. “You make it sound like you and your boyfriend aren’t on the best terms right now.”

“Yes, well, I’m not the type to let an obstacle like that stop me,” the woman replies. “And you know as well as I do that sometimes all it takes is a little nudge in the right direction. So,” she says, squaring her shoulders, “that’s what’s on the table. If I’m wrong, we go our separate ways, and you’re left with more actionable information you can use, should your brother decide to try his luck and venture back into London.”

“And if you’re right?” Lucas asks, intrigued despite himself. He doesn’t do deals—anyone else besides him having leverage over the situation makes him uncomfortable—but if there’s a chance here, however small, to find his wife and put her back where she belongs...

“If I’m right,” Sienna replies, “all I ask is that you... how do I say this? Make sure she can’t create more problems for me. My relationship with Tristan is... complicated enough.”

Lucas stares at her for a long moment, and then bursts out laughing. “Damn,” he says, “you’re a piece of work, DiMarco.”

Sienna rolls her eyes. “Tell me that when I’ve brought you your wife. Believe me, Mr. Emmerico, this kind of a deal isn’t going to come up again.”

Lucas eyes her for a long moment, the gears turning in his head. He knows there’s no guarantee she’ll be able to track Vivian down, and he’s not naive enough to think otherwise. But he also knows he would be a fool to say no, not with the way things have gone so far. Not if it means reining Andrew Dalton’s precious daughter back in and solidifying his hold on this city once and for all.

So when Sienna holds out her hand again, this time, he shakes it. “All right, DiMarco,” he says. “You’ve got a deal.”


I’m breathing hard, wiping the sweat off my brow as I read the message from Callie on my phone screen.

We sold a sculpture to a guy named Preston Stone for 100k today. It’s not worth half that much, and Sterling knows it.

Another message rolls in moments later: There was also a “Patrick’” who put down a payment for a genuine Hirst. Said something about “family obligations.” Thought you’d want to know about it.

I press my lips together. Interesting.

“Vivi?” Liam calls from the other side of the room. “You good?”