Page 5 of Tattered Obsession

Mom opens her mouth to reply, but then Lucas calling my name draws my attention. I turn to see him picking his way through the crowd, his expression guarded. “There you are, Vivian,” he says, coming to a stop in front of me. “I’ve been looking everywhere for you. Where the hell did you get off to?”

“Sorry,” I reply. “I figured I would give you some space to make the rounds.”

Lucas stares at me for a moment, his expression hard and cold. “Yeah,” he finally replies stiffly. “Well, consider them made.”

I swallow and duck my head, biting back a snarky reply. That would be the decidedly wrong way to start off this marriage (andGod,I still can’t believe that’s actually what this is). Instead, I clear my throat. “Was there something you needed?”

“Yes, actually,” he replies. “Now that you’re officiallyin, there are some people you’ll need to meet. I want to introduce you to the Emmerico family and the select guests who have come to attend this... event.”

I glance over my shoulder at Mom, who gives me a nod of encouragement. Next to her, Violet winces into her champagne flute.

“Okay,” I say, holding out a hand to Lucas and reminding myself that this was what I signed up for. “Lead the way.”

Lucas stares at me for a moment, then his expression softens, and he gives me a quick, tight smile. “Remember why we’re doing this, Vivian,” he tells me, taking me by the arm and tugging me off toward the reception area. “You’re a Emmerico now, not a Dalton. This is our life now, and we’re going to make it work.”

“Understood,” I reply, forcing a smile, even though my stomach is knotted up in a ball.

One by one, Lucas makes formal introductions to each of the key players in his family—the ones I’ll be having regular contact with, at any rate. There’s the consigliere and family lawyer, Reggie, who shakes my hand with a sly smile. There’s the high-ranking trust manager, Mason (who I’m told is a distant cousin of mine), with his dimpled smile and friendly face. There’s the family’s accountant, Erwin, with his wavy hair and gleaming eyes, who introduces me to a few people who’ve flown in from his hometown of New York City. Then, of course, there’s the family patriarch, Victor Emmerico, along with his wife, Carmela, both of whom I’ve met a few times during the finalization of the engagement. The list goes on and on. It’s enough to make a girl’s head spin, but I get the feeling that I’d do well not to forget any of their names, not if I want to survive in this new criminal underworld.

“There’s one more,” Lucas says as we at last peel away from the main crowd and drift toward the foyer, where a lone figure is leaning against the far wall, his hands in the pockets of his trousers. “Theo!” he calls gruffly. “There you are!”

The man straightens up and turns to face us, and my heart stops in my chest.

No way. It’s not possible.

But it is. Somehow, against all odds, it is. Standing in front of me is the man I met at the Diamond Lounge all those months ago. The man I thought I saw at the wedding. Even at a glance, I know it’s him: he has the same dark hair, the same swagger, the same poise and complete command of the room, like he was born to rule.

The same silver eyes.

My mouth drops open, but no sound comes out, even as the man takes a step toward me, his eyes gleaming with recognition in the low light. He doesn’t speak, but his gaze sweeps over me, burning with desire. I can almost feel the heat of it on my skin, and when it finally settles on my lips, I realize I’ve forgotten how to breathe.

“Theo,” Lucas says, oblivious to my shock. “I’d like you to meet Vivian, my new bride. Vivian,” he continues, nodding to the man, “this is Theo. My older brother.”


For a moment I can only stand there like an idiot, staring at the man in front of me—my brother-in-law—as my face goes beet red. Does Lucas know what we did that fateful night? Does he know how many times I’ve thought about our kiss since then?

No, he can’t. He would have said something if he knew. But the way Theo is looking at me... He’s my husbands brother. Not the man I kissed. Not someone I can have.

Lucas raises an eyebrow at me, and that finally gets my voice working.

“Hey,” I manage, extending a hand to Theo. “Nice to meet you.”

I must sound completely stupid, but Theo doesn’t even react; he just gives me a reserved smile as he takes my hand in his. That same familiar spark runs up my arm, and it’s all I can do not to shiver. “I’ve heard a lot about you, Vivian,” he tells me, his eyes shining. “It’s nice to finally put a face to a name.”

“I...” I clear my throat. “I wish I could say the same.” I turn to Lucas, half because it’s true, and half because if I have to stew for another second under his brother’s smoldering gaze, I might just explode. “I didn’t know you had a brother.”

“That’s because I never told you,” Lucas replies, his expression neutral.

“I prefer to keep a low profile,” Theo explains, and I realize his eyes are still on me. It was dark that night; does he even remember me now? Is that gleam in his eyes one of recognition, or suspicion? “It’s safer to stay out of the limelight in our line of work.”

Our line of work.The words echo in my mind. So he’s in the gang, too. I guess that explains the sense of tantalizing danger he exudes. Almost like he’s a weapon. And if I’m not careful, I’ll end up in the crosshairs.

“According to you,” Lucas tells him curtly, pulling me back to the present.

Theo barely glances at his younger brother. “I keep my own counsel,” he replies coolly, his eyes returning to me, and I’m struck by the memory of the way they drank me in that night at the lounge. “It’s nice to meet you, Vivian,” he says, and this time I can’t hide my shiver.

“You’ll be seeing moreof each other in the coming weeks, I’m sure,” Lucas says with a flap of his hand, either not noticing my breathlessness or simply not caring.