Page 36 of Tattered Obsession

When the plates are at last cleared away, my father clears his throat and folds his hands on the table. “Thank you all for coming,” he says, talking to us like we’re at a business meeting. “I understand this is all a bit last-minute.”

“It would help if you told us exactly what ‘this’ is,” I say, a little on edge.

Violet gives me a slight kick under the table and shoots me a look that practically screams, “Don’t put your foot in your mouth.”

I flush with nerves but give her a conciliatory nod. Under the table, Theo takes my hand, and I cling to him, remembering his words to me outside and relaxing a little.

“You have been waiting patiently,” Dad concedes. “I guess I’ll get straight to it, then. Victor,” he says, extending a hand to him, “it’s truly an honor to have our family joined to yours.”

“Likewise,” Victor replies with a brusque nod.

“That said,” Dad continues, “we need to discuss certain… concerns that have been raised about our continued business by various parties, within our organization and beyond.” His eyes fall on me. “One of them being your husband, Vivian.”

I swallow hard, my pulse picking up. “Lucas?” I reply, feigning ignorance. “Why? I mean, what…” I swallow again, and it takes everything I have not to glance at Theo. “What has he been saying?”

“My son has been vague about the specifics,” Victor chimes in. “He gets these ideas in his head, as I’m sure you’ve seen by now, Vivian, and once he does, he doesn’t let them go.” He sighs, his brow furrowing as he turns to Theo. “In this case, however, he may have a point. Lucas seems to believe your loyalty to this family is in question, Theo.”

To his credit, Theo has a damn good poker face. “I think I’ve done more than enough to prove myself,” he says, his voice deceptively level. “This syndicate is moving up in the world. If we make the right moves, we can expand beyond London in the next few years—hell, maybe even beyond the U.K.” He leans forward, and even though he’s looking at his father, I can tell he’s addressing the whole room, turning on the charisma and diplomacy he’s honed so well. “That’s what I want for this organization. Now, later, always. And if my brother is raising doubts…” He takes a sip of his drink, and there’s an edge to his voice that wasn’t there before. “Let’s just say I’m willing to let my results speak for themselves.”

“And they do, without a doubt,” Dad acknowledges. “You’ve shown incredible promise in recent years, Theo. Not just as a businessman, but as a leader in your own right.”

“I’m glad you agree,” Theo replies, giving him a nod.

“Be that as it may,” Victor interjects, “you are as yet untested running this organization from the top down, Theo. We can’t afford to have this alliance fall apart due to a change in leadership, or, god forbid…” His eyes flicker back over to his older son. “Something else unforeseen. And that’s exactly what Andrew and I have been talking about.” He leans back in his chair. “We have the potential to become unstoppable… provided, of course, we can ensure nothing untoward happens to dismantle this operation.”

He levels me with a cold, scrutinizing look that sends a chill down my spine… almost like he’s trying to read my mind.Does he know?I wonder, my eyes widening.Does he know I’ve been feeding information to Dad? Does he know about me and Theo?

But Victor doesn’t say anything else, allowing Dad to take over. “That will, of course, require strengthening the bonds between our families,” he says.

“I feel the same way,” Theo says, glancing at me out of the corner of his eye. “My men and I have been talking, and these issues with the smaller gangs aren’t going to stop until we can show that we’re solid, without room for questioning this deal.”

“I’m glad we’re in agreement,” Dad says with a curt nod. “That’s why Victor and I have decided that, in the interests of our long-term success, it’s time for you and Violet to be married.”

The words hit me like a ton of bricks.

Violet’s mouth drops open in shock, and she says something disbelieving, but I don’t even hear the words over the sudden ringing in my ears. I feel like I’ve slipped into a dream, and as my father’s statement finally registers, my stomach drops in horror.

Theo. Violet. Married.

No, no, no.

“What…” I manage. “What?”

Beside me, Theo has gone as stiff as a board, his grip on my hand tightening. “I’m sorry?”

“This will further strengthen our alliance,” Victor says tersely. “It’s been in the works for a while now.”

Theo presses his lips together, his eyes blazing with cold fury. “Why was I never told about this?” he demands, all his attention on Victor, and I can almost see the old resentment he holds for his father threatening to boil over. For a moment everything—being muscled out of the business, having to fight his way back to the top—threatens to explode out of him.

“Believe it or not, Son,” Victor says, staring him down, “there are aspects of this business that you still are not privy to.”

“This isn’t just ‘business,’” Theo growls. “Not when it involves me marrying—”

“Your rise in this family is still conditional,” Victor snaps, his voice rising. “I’m still the one in charge, no matter what you seem to think, and if you can’t prove your commitment to this alliance, you can’t be expected to lead this family when I retire.”

“Wait a minute,” Violet interrupts, her eyes going wide as she looks at our parents. “This was your plan all along, wasn’t it? You were always going to marry me to Theo.”

“Until I misbehaved one too many times,” I state in a distant voice. “Then you decided to marry me off first. Get me out of your hair before I could fuck up this deal, and never ask me what I wanted. Whatanyof us wanted.” I gesture from myself to Violet, to Victor. “Right?” I turn slowly to my father, anger and panic raging in me.