“Shit.” I was already reaching for my phone.
“Who you going to call?” he asked.
“Jean-Claude to start with, then... everyone, I guess.” I thought about it. “Ted Forrester is in town getting his fitting as my best man, so him, too.”
“Forrester is in town this week?” Dolph asked.
“He and his son were only planning to stay for a couple of days. In fact, I left him being fitted to come here.”
“U.S. Marshal Ted Forrester?” McKinnon asked.
I said, “Yes.”
Dolph said, “Is there another one?”
“I know his reputation; if he could stay over for a few days that would be good.”
“You could have picked up a phone and told me. I’d have told Anita,” Dolph said.
“I could have, but then I wouldn’t be here on the ground to help catch the bastards. The Sunshine Murders are set up online; the main part of the group doesn’t have to be in the city where the murder happens, but for what they’re planning to do here in St. Louis they’ll need to have boots on the ground. It’s our best chance to catch the leaders.”
“With me and Jean-Claude as bait.”
“Not just the two of you, they want to take down your whole power structure, before the wedding.”
“Define power structure,” I said.
“All Jean-Claude’s businesses, Micah Callahan and his Coalition for Better Understanding between the Human and Lycanthrope Communities, Rafael and all the wererats, any shapeshifter seen as your ally or romantic partner.”
“They can’t kill shapeshifters by letting in some sunlight,” I said.
“No, and they know that, Blake.”
“Do you know specifics?” Dolph asked for me.
“They’re being cautious even online, but they keep talking about the one thing that kills all monsters. They keep saying that sunlight isn’t the only thing that burns.”
“Fire kills everything,” I said, and lifted my phone again.
“If you could contact everyone without using a phone or computer, that would be appreciated,” McKinnon said.
“Are your analysts monitoring my phone calls?” I asked.
“That would be illegal to spy on American citizens,” McKinnon said.
“But if I make this phone call your bosses will know you told me without their permission.”
“Not just our people, but potentially the bad guys will know you know. They’re too computer- and tech-savvy to not be trying to hack into their targets’ electronic devices.”
“How do you think I can contact everyone without a phone?” I asked, narrowing my eyes as I studied his face.
He spread his hands a little like,I’m not a threat. “Ease down, Blake, I’m on your side.”
“Then stop pussyfooting around and just say shit, patience is never my best virtue, and subtle is not my skill set, talk like you know that.”
He almost smiled. “I wasn’t sure Dolph knew about all of your skills.”
Dolph said, “It’s okay, Pete, Anita and I worked out our differences about the supernatural stuff. She and Jean-Claude had dinner with Lucille and me explaining things and then another meal at the house with Darren and his wife. It’s why he’s still alive to donate sperm for in vitro.”