“Why didn’t you just lead with that?”
“Because the last time we tried to kill him was when Greece was the leading world power in what is now Europe. We didn’t have the technology you do now; if we have to go up against him I’d rather do it from a distance with your LAW or some other device,” Rodina said.
“Okay, that makes sense, but tell us how you did it back in the day, and we’ll combine that with modern tech and see what we come up with,” I said.
“Also, Brides are traditionally sacrificed in battle to save their master, and I’m afraid once you hear what we did you’ll do exactly that with Ru and me.”
“I’m proof that Anita doesn’t do that kind of shit,” Nicky said.
“She’s in love with you, and we’re a source of guilt and remembered trauma for her.”
“I won’t sacrifice anyone on purpose to take Deimos down,” I said.
“She means it, sister.”
“I can feel her sincerity vibrating like some kind of devoted puppy.” Rodina sounded disgusted.
“If you want Anita to value you more, comments like that aren’t the way to go,” Nathaniel said.
“And what happened to you down on your knees contrite that you left me when I needed you most?” I asked.
Rodina made a harsh sound deep in her throat like she couldn’t decide if she was going to spit on me or scream. “I feel the pull to be your Bride, but you have left us half done like you and Jean-Claude have left everything else.”
“Ma petite, the sun will rise, and I would like to have a plan before that happens.”
“Okay, do we have to worry about Deimos once the sun comes up, or does he die at dawn like most vampires?” I asked.
“He did.”
“It was one reason that he would not serve our dark queen,” Jake said. “He hadn’t expected to lose the ability to move around during daylight.”
“Does he burn in sunlight?” I asked.
“We never saw him in burn in sunlight, because he would go to the back of his cave when he felt dawn coming,” Ru said.
“Sunlight doesn’t help us if he explodes into Greek fire,” Edward said.
“Good point,” I said. I looked at Rodina and Ru. “Okay, you’re up. Tell us how you attacked him back in ye olden days.”
“It’s not pronounced ‘yee,’ theysounds like ath, like inthe,” Rodina said.
“I was making a joke, but okay, thanks for clearing that up. Now tell us about you going up against Deimos.”
“Our dark queen put pieces of herself inside the three of us,” Ru said.
“What does that mean?” I asked.
He looked at his sister, and she said, “How do we explain her to you as she was then?”
“She was at the height of her powers then,” Jake said. “As frightening as you found her, Anita, it was nothing to what she was then.”
I tried to process that; my stomach went tight at the thought of facing her when she’d been even more terrifying. “Well, that’s fucking scary.”
“You would not have prevailed against her if she had not been diminished by the traitors among us.” She glared at Jake.
“Yes, I betrayed her, and I would do it again.”
“If I was not bound by Anita’s emotions I would kill you where you stand.”