I looked at her. “Yeah, can’t you?”

She shook her head.

“Why should I feel it more than you do?”

“I don’t know,” she said.

“Do you feel the werewolves this way?” Pierette asked.

“Yes, but not this strong. It’s like the leopard, but more, so much more energy.” I rubbed my arms and realized I was already goose-bumped.

“Should we tell Jean-Claude she’s feeling it like this?” Claudia asked.

“He knows,” Pierette said.

“Micah, then?”

“Jean-Claude will tell him if he thinks he needs to know,” I said.

“Why are you feeling it this far out?” Claudia asked.

“Not sure, but I think it’s because I made Rafael mymoitié bêteand he’s king in a way that Richard isn’t for the wolves.”

“Micah would be this for the leopards if you weren’t all so...” She stopped.

“What? Just say it, Pierette.”


“Broken how?”

“There are rituals and ways for our kind, too, my queen.”

“We’ll talk about some of the leopard culture we’re missing after this is over.”

“If you wish.”

“I wish,” I said, and took her hand in mine and squeezed it. “I want to be the best queen I can be for everyone. Help me do that, Pierette.”

She smiled in her red lipstick that not only matched mine but was mine. We were sharing a tube of it tonight as if we were on a date at a club and had only a tiny purse to hold everything, so consolidating lipstick was just practical. It wasn’t her usual color, but if we wanted to be able to kiss tonight and not ruin each other’s color, it had to match, or at least complement.

“I would help you set the moon in the sky, my queen, if you but ask.”

That made me smile and lean in for a careful kiss. It was as I drew back from the kiss that I realized the skin-thrumming energy of the wererats was less the moment I touched her hand. I told her and Claudia, and we spent the last few minutes of the drive experimenting. A finger on her skin wasn’t enough, but a hand against her skin, or hers on mine, was enough to dim it. Holding hands or kissing or hugging calmed it so that I could feel it like an echo.

“I think with more people who aren’t rat I might be able to shut it out completely.”

“I’m even happier that you have Pierette with you tonight then, because if you are this attuned to our energy now, wait until you’re surrounded by us.”

“I’m a little worried about that now,” I said.

“Maybe the energy won’t bring your beast, my queen; maybe it is just the energy that Rafael feels and through him you feel it, too.”

“Maybe,” I said, and then I felt it like a great beating heart that just happened to not be inside my chest, but it was still my heart. It still pulsed and beat for me. I touched my hand to my chest as if I could feel my heart start to beat in time to it.

Pierette still had my other hand in hers. She squeezed it tight and put her other hand around my arm. “My queen, what is wrong?”

My voice came out low because I was listening to the pulse of that power. “I’m not sure anything is wrong. If this is what Rafael feels, then no wonder he’s arrogant.”