“ANITA CAN’T GOto the fighting pits without bodyguards,” Micah said.
“You are one of the few we have ever allowed inside our inner sanctum that was not one of us, but that does not mean you can dictate to us,” Rafael said.
“I would never have agreed for Anita to go tonight if I had thought you meant to hold her to the usual rules.”
“Guys, guys, I feel like I’ve missed something,” I said.
“The leaders of the rodere are not allowed bodyguards inside the warehouse where the fighting pits are located,” Micah said.
“So? I go around all the time without bodyguards,” I said.
Micah shook his head. “You don’t understand, Anita; from the moment you step outside the car you are surrounded by wererats, and if one of them picks a fight with you, then it’s your fight. No one can interfere. No one can help you.”
“If you are not strong enough to fight your way through the crowd, then you are not worthy to lead,” Rafael said.
“But Anita isn’t a real shapeshifter, she doesn’t have all our speed and strength and she absolutely doesn’t heal as well as we do,” Micah said.
“Rafael, I would not have agreed or formed a plan around this much risk to Anita,” Jean-Claude said.
“And I would not have suggested it if I did not think she could do it.”
“I appreciate the vote of confidence, Rafael, but Micah is right. I’m good, but I’m not in the same league as you guys. I’m still too human.”
Jean-Claude asked Micah, “Mon chat, did you fight your way through the rodere to attend the fights?”
“Yes, but I am a shapeshifter and I can bring out claws without shifting, which is allowed for fighting through the crowd. I was also allowed Bram. He couldn’t guard me, but he was there in case everything went to shit. If it had gotten out of hand, we’d have done what we had to do to get out.”
“Is Anita allowed someone with her like Bram?” Nathaniel asked.
“Micah was a visiting leader. We only let him in at all so he could understand the rodere well enough to represent us in Coalition business,” Rafael explained.
“Anita is Nimir-ra for the leopards, that makes her a leader,” Nathaniel said.
“Very true,mon minou.”
“It cannot be another leader and they cannot fight her battles for her. If they interfere, then they will both be escorted outside. If they were rodere, they could be forced into the fighting pit to finish the interrupted fight with death as a possibility,” Rafael said.
“How bad was it when you went?” Nathaniel asked Micah.
Micah shrugged. “Not that bad after I made an example of one of the bullies.”
“What kind of bullies?” I asked.
“Big guy who sees a little guy and thinks, why is he leader, he’s not so tough.”
“You showed him the error of his ways, I assume,mon chat,” Jean-Claude said.
“Yes, but Anita can’t call claws like I did to make that point.”
“She will be allowed blades, because she is still technically human,” Rafael said.
“Everyone who’s proven themselves worthy in training has blades, Rafael,” Micah protested.
“Yes, but only two blades apiece; Anita can take in what she likes.”
“Can I take in whatever weapons I want?” I asked.
“No guns,” he said.