She looked at him then, and I knew the look, because it worked on me. She was trying to be cute for him, interesting. “Then I do not understand, Your Majesty.”

He frowned, I think at the title, but he didn’t correct her, or maybe he, like me, wasn’t sure if it neededcorrecting, or if it was accurate. “Anita, are you saying that if I said yes, this would be happening now?”

“You mean the three of us sharing the shower and maybe more?” I asked.

“Yes, that is what I mean.”

I sort of shrugged. “Like I said, I was going to talk to you about it.”

“So that’s a yes,” he said.

I nodded. “Yes, I hadn’t planned on it happening this soon, but yes.”

He shook his head. “It’s a trap.”

I frowned at him. “What’s a trap?”

“The offer of a three-way.”

“Um, a trap for what?” I asked.

“I’ve had this offer before from other women that I’ve dated, and it’s always a trap.”

“How is it a trap?” I asked.

“Either the girlfriend uses it as a test to see if I’ll cheat...”

“It’s not cheating if she tries to get you to have a three-way with her and another woman,” I said.

“That’s not how she saw it,” he said.

“That’s so not fair,” I said.

He smiled. “Thank you, I agree with you.”

“That would be a trap,” Pierette said.

I looked at her and then we nodded together.

“Or the three-way happens, the sex is good, everything’s good that night, but in the morning one or both of the women decide that it was an awful idea and it’s my fault somehow,” Rafael said.

“Your fault how?” I asked.

“Being a man, I think, somehow being lusty enough to want and satisfy two women. I don’t know, Anita, Pierette, it didn’t make sense to me at the time.”

“So, every time any woman has offered you a chanceto sleep with her and another woman, it’s been a trap?” I asked.

“Yes,” he said.

“Well, Pierette is my girlfriend, so...”

He shook his head. “Tried that, ended up with them being jealous of the time I had with each of them and it broke us all up.”

“Were they polyamorous?” I asked.

He thought about that. “No, bisexual, but not poly.”

“Then there was your problem,” I said.