Page 96 of The Wolf Slayer

Solomon towered over the pathetic red-haired wolf kneeling beneath him. The wolf stank of fear and weakness, his whole body shaking, terrified of his true master. Solomon’s subjects had stumbled across this sad excuse of a wolf and had brought him here. He seemed to be part of the broken Skadu Pack. After they’d lost the battle with the Timber Wolves just a few miles away, all kinds of lost wolves had crossed Solomon’s territory.

At first, he’d wanted to punish his subjects for bringing him the wolf but after hearing what the wolf had to say, he’d been more lenient with him. If it was true what the wolf was saying Selene had finally blessed him with a suitable mate. Held captive by the Timber Pack, she wasn’t able to come to his call.

All of his past mates had failed him, disappointed him, but this one seemed to be different. Selene had blessed her, made her strong just for him and the sole purpose of giving him what he longed so desperately for. Selene had created her to please him and his needs.

He bent down and grabbed the weakling by his throat, lifting him up. His feet dangling at least two feet above the floor Solomon slightly loosened his grip so the worm could speak.

“Tell me her name.”

“Niev,” the worm said as he gasped for air, trying to claw his way out of Solomon’s grip.

A shiver of anticipation and excitement ran over Solomon’s spine. “Go back to the Timber Wolves and prepare to bring her to me. She is mine and mine alone.” He dropped the thing back on the floor, his bones cracking underneath his weight. Solomon turned around and retreated into his private rooms, his body tingling in excitement for what was to come for him and Niev, his new mate.