Page 82 of Unconditional Love

Amon had to suppress a growl. “You’re talking about turning someone without their consent.”

“But would it work?” Silas eagerly pressed further.

“Her mind has been gone for too long, who knows what kind of monster we would create.”

Silas didn’t like his answer and turned to Rayen. “If it’s successful Gwen can have her sister back.”

The hope and slight triumph in Rayen’s eyes enraged Amon. He stood up and looked down on them both. Keeping his growl quiet enough not to wake Gwendoline as he spoke his mind.

“You can’t do that, even with Gwendoline’s permission. The hope to see her sister again and then realizing she is no more, will destroy her. You have no clue what you’ll create. Do you want to be responsible for killing her sister? She’ll despise you for giving her hope and then not just taking Evangeline’s mind but her body too. Even if she survives the venom, what guarantees do you have that she’ll remember her life or any human thought? You’ll create a monster and then you would have to kill her sister. Rip her head off and burn her body, maybe even against Gwendoline’s will because she hopes to tame her sister. From now on you will not speak of it again, and even when Gwendoline asks about it you will deny any possibility.”

Amon turned, left the room, and settled into his office. Still enraged about their absurd suggestion, he couldn’t focus on work. Though he understood that they only wanted to bring Evangeline back to Gwendoline, they were wrong to even think of turning someone against their will. He would’ve thought Silas understood it better than anyone. Though Amon also had been turned against his own choices, Silas’s transition had been far more torturous and hellish than Amon’s.

He tried over and over to read the same papers but just couldn’t concentrate. Usually, the hours passed by no matter if it was day or night. The past few weeks, though, the nights seemed to have been much longer. He’d anticipated and looked forward to Gwendoline’s morning meetings. So much so that the hours before she woke up always seemed longer. Now that she was truly with them, the nights seemed even more stretched. He loved watching her sleep and seeing her so peaceful, but the days were just so much sweeter.

After what felt to be an eternity, he heard Rayen wake her up. “Little bird, it’s time to wake up.”

She mumbled something underneath her breath and yawned, “Hi there.” She paused as either Silas or Rayen kissed her, maybe even both. “Where is Amon?”

“Working I believe.”

Amon was upstairs within an instant. “I’m here.”

She smiled at him, her eyes glowing. “You shouldn’t work so much.” She giggled and blushed. “Or maybe you should paint more. You could sell them and turn your hobby into a job.”

“I’ll consider it.”

She climbed out of bed and walked towards the closet. “Just don’t make them too pretty, I might wanna keep them.”

None of them moved as she disappeared into the closet. Unfortunately, the closet was so big that she was able to hide around the corner, though he didn’t believe she’d done so on purpose. Unlike Silas and Rayen, he hadn’t seen her bare yet, and it took all his strength not to follow her.

Wearing black pants, a light blue blouse, and a blazer, she reappeared and walked to the bathroom. Unable to resist her, he followed her to the bathroom where she was combing her hair. Instinctively he reached for the brush and started running it through her hair.

“What’s wrong, Amon?”

He looked up, their eyes meeting in their reflection. Subconsciously, his face hardened, and she’d noticed it right away.

“I used to do Marianna’s hair.”

Sadness and surprise spread in her eyes. Softening his face, he smiled at her.

“It has been a long time since I’ve braided someone’s hair. I might not even remember how.”

“You should’ve seen me the first few times,” she giggled. “I looked like a hot mess.”

Setting the brush aside he started parting her hair. After a few minutes he’d been able to weave it into a simple French braid.

She turned her head to the sides, inspecting it, her smile only intensifying. “I love it, thank you. Do you mind if I eat breakfast in the car?”

He shook his head.

“Let me grab something quick then we can go.”

He watched as she left with Silas right behind her. Rayen, however, stayed and came closer.

“Are you sure it won’t work?”

“You’ll break her more than you would heal her. What if it works but Evangeline’s mind is so damaged that she doesn’t know who Gwendoline is? She wants the sister she had years ago, and we can’t give her that.”