Saturday arrived much faster than he’d thought. Gwen had only left the house for the first time yesterday to go into the office to return her keys and present the finished project to Mr. Heming. Amon had taken her while he and Silas had stayed behind. She’d still been bleeding, and Amon had thought it was safest if Silas stayed at home. Silas had been all over Gwen, barely letting her out of his sight.
At first, Gwen had felt uncomfortable with Silas’s demands, but she’d quickly learned to set her boundaries and accept Silas’s needs at the same time. During the night, she’d preferred to use some form of protection, while during the days she’d done as Silas asked. Although Silas was the one expressing his desires the most, Amon and Rayen needed Gwen just as much.
Currently, she was lying on Amon’s chest, sleeping peacefully. He had his eyes closed, soaking up the intimacy. Silas was right next to them reading a book while running his fingers soothingly over her back. Rayen was on her other side, holding her hand.
“How about we take her to the island next week?”
Silas looked up from his book. “You don’t think she’s going to be upset if we keep the island a secret?’”
“She never asked where the house was. If she asks, I’ll tell her.” Rayen purposely avoided telling Gwen more about the private island they owned, knowing that for whatever reason, she would feel uncomfortable.
“Deep down, she will love it,” Amon quietly hummed, not wanting to wake their little bird.
“Of course, she will. She’s just too humble to use us for our money.”
Silas was probably right. Gwen had always been reluctant to spend their money, even after she’d figured out they had more than enough.
While Gwen was getting the rest she needed, Rayen sent out an email to their housekeeper to prepare their house for their arrival.
Gwen woke up around ten o’clock, stretching and yawning.
“Good morning, sleepy bird.”
She leaned closer and gave him a kiss before leaning to Silas and Amon to do the same. “I still can’t believe you aren’t bored of staying with me when I’m sleeping.”
“We wouldn’t be here if we didn’t want to be,” Amon reassured her.
She smiled happily and climbed over them and out of bed. “I wanted to go see Evangeline today, since we are going to the horse races tomorrow.”
“Do you mind if I come again?”
“I would love for you to come.”
Amon stood up and followed her through the open bathroom door. Rayen watched as he started combing her hair. “I would like to meet your sister too if you’ll allow it.”
She nodded, her eyes saddening slightly. “Of course, but it’s not really a meet and greet.”
“I understand.” Amon gently kissed her cheek which washed away the sadness on her face.
As she went to the closet to get dressed for the day, Rayen headed to the kitchen where he prepared her breakfast. Silas joined him, a slight grimace darkening his face.
“So, I’m assuming you’re not coming with us?”
“I don’t think she would appreciate me there.”
“Maybe if you fixed that ugly face of yours, she would.”
“She knows how I feel about her visits and her hanging on to something that clearly is not worth it.”
“Maybe I should starve you and say the same,” Rayen countered.
Before it could turn into a fight, Gwen appeared with Amon by her side.
“Rayen, will we go dress shopping today or tomorrow before the race?”