Clan Sherv, their parent clans, and Parlek gathered at Clan Vinin’s home afterward. Vinin passed around glasses of the expensive wine leshella, in celebration of their temporary victory and Casual Innuendo’s recording deal.
The festivities were muted, however. “The fight isn’t over,” Jemi noted. “We have to make this work for our clan and child.”
“You will,” Imdiko Kopo insisted. “After the work you’ve put in, it has to be all right.”
Vinin nodded adamantly. “You have our support. We’ll do whatever it takes to keep your clan together.”
“Just let the government try to de-clan you,” Ezrob snarled. “I’ll pound anyone, including the judge, who tries to steal our daughter from us.”
There were cries of agreement from the rest. They raised their glasses and drank, as if he’d offered a toast instead of a threat to cause bodily harm.
“I’m glad you clanned Matara Irene. I might have neglected to mention to the recording executives she wouldn’t be available to continue as part of the band.” Parlek smirked, betraying an exceptional lack of repentance. “I can’t imagine how I forgot to tell them, especially since they went on and on about how amazing her voice is.”
“You’re an absolute rogue,” Irene laughed. “I guess those favors and blackmail you called in were worth something.”
“They took a backseat to the music. The scene is due for something exciting and innovative to shake up the entertainment world. Nothing of note has come out in the last couple of years. Rimnastin and a band who can play it well are the perfect storm for the recording world. My timing couldn’t have been better to promote this new sound.”
Jemi whispered in Irene’s ear, “He makes it sound as if it’s all him, like we did next to nothing to create rimnastin.”
“Let him have his moment. It’s the comeback of his dreams.” As for Irene, she’d do everything in her power to ensure their opportunity mattered. She was staying with Clan Sherv, and if it meant pouring every last drop of her energy into their music, so be it.
No one, no government, no force would take her from the men she loved.
* * * *
One year, two months later
Irene thought no one would believe war had just been declared from the way the crowd responded to the show. Long black hair whipped from fiercely nodding heads, fists pumped the air, and a thunder of bass voices joined her amplified soprano as she sang, none caring she did so in English.
It was a shame Casual Innuendo’s first studio-backed tour had been limited by the breakout of hostilities between her home and adopted worlds, but what shows their tour manager was able to line up had sold out. Rimnastin had arrived with a vengeance. There were already half a dozen similar bands signed, recorded, and playing for audiences eager to hear the new genre. Casual Innuendo was at the forefront, eclipsing those showing up in their wake. Irene had been labeled rimnastin’s goddess, much to her amused embarrassment. Fans lined up for days to attend their shows.
It didn’t hurt Sherv had gotten his long-delayed surgery to repair his vocal cords. He preferred playing a myriad of instruments to singing, but his vocal harmonies had added tremendously to the band’s sound. He could still belt and howl as well as the best of the lemanthev crowd, but now he could sing as well.
They barreled into the last song of the show, and everyone remained on their feet after two hours. The crowd of mostly Kalquorian men seethed and swirled as they stomped in circles or jumped up and down in place.
Irene launched the final chorus. Voices of those who would soon be fighting rose to join her in singing the appropriately named “Here Today.”
“We’re here today
Here us shout
Here today
Let no one doubt
We lived, we sang
We fought to be
Here today
Tomorrow, free.”
The audience was still chanting, “Here today,” after the band took its final bow. Irene trotted off the stage reluctantly. She could have stayed there the entire night singing to the crowd, but the stage had been rushed in the past by their fans. For many, a great night of rimnastin entertainment meant trading punches with the band’s Nobek-heavy security, who were all too ready and delighted to fight.
Casual Innuendo promised to be as huge as Parlek had promised the recording company, perhaps bigger than even he had hoped. Sales of their first song collection guaranteed financial success for band and backers for years to come. Two months earlier, Judge Adnam had been given no choice but to grudgingly agree.
Thanks to there now being an Earther empress of Kalquor, Irene’s status as a “refugee in need of rescue” had been altered. Honorable Adnam had awarded Clan Sherv’s Matara permanent approval, though he had voiced concerns about them taking the baby on tour. Since the men’s mothers took turns traveling with them to care for the infant and little Ajef was in perfect health, he’d agreed he saw no reason to assign mother and son to a different clan. In addition, Clan Elak had made no attempt to renew their petition.