Page 79 of Irene

Her wails continued as he pounded her ass, grunting like an animal as he claimed her. Irene lost all thought in the maelstrom of violent bliss, which refused to end as she was taken hard and fast.

On and on, violent ecstasy tore her apart until Rusp suddenly groaned and froze. Then erratic thrusts as his cocks throbbed, as their mingled wetness flowed from her to paint her inner thighs. Only when he stopped moving did the vicious surges abate, drawing moans from them both.

Then quietness descended, leaving warmth and peace in its wake.

Irene was dimly aware of being carried to a large bedroom, of being laid on a vast bed. Water and a pain inhaler were pressed between her lips. She accepted both gratefully, though if she were thirsty or aching, she didn’t know it yet.

She was more interested in the men surrounding her, gazing at her as if she were the sun and moon wrapped in one, when it was they who were the universe.

Gray clouds had moved in, but at the moment, their silver linings shone too bright to notice their darkness.

* * * *

Scrubbed, made up, hair fixed, wearing her best dress…which was nothing compared to the gowns Sherv’s and Rusp’s mothers had worn the night before, but on par with Jemi’s comfort-preferring mother…Irene went to the grand dining room, accompanied by her clan.

It was less formal than the previous day’s dinner. Dishes of food crowded the middle of the oval table’s length, rather than served in rounds by well-dressed men. Rusp’s parents were already assembled, their plates filled.

“How did you sleep?” Fekeg asked Irene as she took a seat between Sherv and Jemi. “Were the rooms comfortable enough?”

Irene smiled, grateful for the stim tabs they’d found in the bathroom cabinet. There’d been little sleep as the clan had established itself as a loving entity far into the night. Thanks to their mutual enjoyment of rowdier play, it hadn’t always been comfortable. It had been quite satisfying, however.

“The rooms were perfect.”

“Excellent. Have you had swala eggs? Our chef prepared them in this amazing sauce he created himself.”

Another reason to be grateful: the anti-nausea medication the head medic on the destroyer had given her. It had erased the morning’s queasiness in an instant, leaving Irene plenty of appetite. Considering the calories she’d burned the night before, she was more than ready to sample the efforts of Clan Vinin’s chef.

“We heard from our lawyers,” Vinin said as Jemi scooped what Irene pointed to onto her plate. “We’re to meet in the judge’s chambers tomorrow morning. The clan Irene was assigned to and their attorneys will also be there. We’ll both present our arguments for the judge’s consideration.”

“It will be informal,” Fekeg assured Irene. “But if you’re interested in buying something new to wear, we can take care of it today. I don’t mean to say your clothes aren’t fine; I realize we’re from different cultures—”

Irene chuckled to show no offense was taken. “Earther women don’t dress as nicely as our Kalquorian counterparts on a daily basis. Perhaps you can guide me on what would make the best impression?”

“Maybe our son and his clanmates will allow me to do the same?” Kopo smiled at the men. “Rusp, I understand you have an image for your act, but neatening your hair and beard would be for the best for tomorrow.”

Rusp quirked a good-natured smile at the careful diplomacy. “I put myself in your capable hands, my father.”

“Don’t go too far,” said Ezrob. “He may be a mess, but he at leastlookslike a Nobek.”

Irene’s temper rose at the intimation Rusp’s character failed to match his appearance. She clenched her fists under the table.

Rusp had apparently taken offense as well, but he kept his tone level. “I have no problem letting my actions speak for me as clan protector.”

“The contesting clan’s Nobek is a decorated warrior. How can aspenruk—” Ezrob spat the word like poison “—possibly compare to a recognized soldier lauded for his battle prowess? You’ll be seen as a joke and endanger losing your child and our grandchild. Rightly so.”

Irene didn’t remember rising to her feet, but she was suddenly upright and glaring across the table at Ezrob. “You don’t know a thing about him, do you? Your own son, and you don’t know one. Fucking. Thing.”

“Irene, it’s not necessary—” Rusp started.

“To defend you? No, you’re capable of it yourself, though your respect for a man who treats you disrespectfully keeps you from doing so. Respect I don’t understand, because he doesn’t deserve it.” Throughout her speech, she kept her stare riveted on Ezrob. “Let me tell you something, High Commander Ezrob, Rusp is the Nobek youwishyou could be.”

Ezrob was too much a hardass to gape at her as the rest of Rusp’s parents did, but he was venturing damned close. Irene noted his shock with satisfaction.

“Rusp ran to save me from being kidnapped by your empire’s fleet. He faced off against the scariest Nobek I’ve ever seen. Rusp was unarmed, but he knocked him down and got his blaster off him. He and Sherv held off Weapons Commander Amig and Captain Nil and got me out of harm’s way without firing a shot. Then he fought off a couple of fighter vessels on his old decommissioned troop transport. On his own, again unarmed, he took down bands of human men pointing blasters at himtwice. That’s how badass your son is, the son you’re ashamed of because he prefers playing music over stacking up bodies. Excuse me, he prefers playingincrediblemusic to whatever bloodshed and mayhem you’re so hot and heavy for him to commit.”

Ezrob had recovered his usual stoic expression. He opened his mouth to speak.

Irene held up her hand. “I’m not done. I don’t care what medals or accolades this other clown from the opposing clan has earned. I don’t care what medals or accoladesyou’vereceived. What it boils down to is, if you’re half the Nobek…half the man Rusp is, you’ll accept him for who he is and stop being an utter asshole. You’d better, because I’ll be damned if I’ll let your attitude, or anyone else who belittles my clan for pursuing their dreams—” she paused to look at the rest of the parents gawping at her “—anywhere near my child. Got it?”