Page 77 of Irene

Warmth filled her at the bald sincerity. Suddenly, the hurt and blame since discovering he’d registered her as a clanmate dissipated. “You mean that.”

“In all my heart.” He stood and approached her. When his hands closed on her upper arms, she didn’t pull away. “I’m not sorry to be your Dramok, Irene. What I’m sorry is I wasn’t able to make you my Matara the right way.”

“Was there a choice? I don’t think so now as I’m coming to terms with it.” She stroked his cheek as her parents’ faces flitted across her mind’s eye. She dismissed the pang of loss. There was no sense in wallowing in what was. “It’s time to put what happened behind us and look toward the future. You’re my clan. If I have to firebomb the courts and the contesting clan to remain your Matara, so be it.”

Rusp and Jemi joined them, their expressions hopeful. Their arms circled Irene.

Sherv chuckled. “No need to be so drastic. I’ll get a ‘proper’ job to prove I make a good Dramok and a good father.”

“Same,” Rusp agreed as Jemi said, “Me too.”

“Guys, the music. We can’t give up on it,” Irene insisted.

“We can play on the side. We don’t have to quit, just put in its proper place for priorities,” Sherv said. “What it takes to care of you and the baby is what comes first.”

She refused to accept such a sacrifice. What they’d built was too important. However, Sherv wore his commanding Dramok persona. She’d learned when he had his adamant face on, there was no arguing with him.

She’d have to save it for another time. As much as Sherv loved, lived, and breathed music, he’d soon realize he couldn’t relegate it to the background. No more than she could.

For now, she sensed the breach healing between them. She welcomed her return to the embrace she’d allowed pain to shove aside. She looked at them: gentle, sweet Jemi; strong, fierce Rusp; solid, secure Sherv.

“I love you guys.”

Caught breaths, tight hugs, and a flurry of kisses answered her declaration. “My Matara,” Sherv whispered. He was echoed by Jemi and Rusp.

“My clan,” she said.

Clothes disappeared in a twinkling. The men surrounded Irene, kissing and fondling her. She moaned at their center as hot mouths and hands claimed every inch.

Chapter Eighteen

Rusp held her wrists at the small of her back as Sherv sank to his knees before her. Jemi steadied her and sucked her nipples in turn as the Dramok propped her thigh on his shoulder. His ardent kisses on her throbbing pussy were wet and eager, lighting her like the inferno of a sun.

The eager tongue stabbing in her sex and the lips pulling at her womanhood sent her spiraling into passion. Sherv alternated slurping her wetness and sucking her clit. Not even the thought of Rusp’s parents showing up to check on them could quiet Irene’s growing cries of excitement.

Her Dramok’s fingers dove in her trembling flesh as he insistently tongued her clit. Jemi nipped her breasts, bringing the darts of pain she found so exciting, especially when Rusp held her helpless.

The Nobek burrowed against her neck. She detected the points of his fangs an instant before he bit. She cried out at the sharp sting, though it faded as quickly as it had come. The first curls of euphoria were waking when Sherv pressed fingers in her tighter entrance, carefully stretching her.

She hardly noticed the ache in the venom’s entrancing grip. His oral attentions to her clit continued, and climax darted close, retreated slightly, then teased her by nearing anew. She felt the barriers separating her from the men dissolving, emotional and physical, as if they melded in mind and body. As if the whole universe coalesced as part of them, leaving nothing but her fused clan, a being of four made one.

Feeling such divine connection, climax swept over her. She shattered but was held in place by the force of their unity, reforged at once by the men’s strength. No matter how many times rapture sought to tear her apart, she remained within the clan’s wholeness, its unbreakable force.

Then Sherv stood in front of her, melding them in truth. She absorbed him, perfectly yielding, feeling him inside, driving deep as they held her place in their midst. She moved, matching his rhythm as much as she was able, coaxing him to give her all he was capable of.

He drove hard, his expression hungry, as if he might actually devour her. “My Matara.” Earlier, it had been a request. Now it was a demand, a claim on her.

“Yours,” she gasped. Then, because it was the greatest truth of her life, “Forever.”

He pounded her, the friction and bliss driving her inexorably. The first flicker of another orgasm sparked, and her head fell back on Rusp’s shoulder. She opened to it, inviting it to prove her words.

“Yours,” she cried again as exhilaration overtook her. While blinding surges swept through her, she heard Sherv’s shout of elation, sensed the pulse of his release.

His. Theirs. His. Theirs.The words repeated on each wave of pleasure.

When their breath steadied and Sherv’s ardent kisses ceased bruising her lips, he gazed at another of the men sandwiching her. “Where, Jemi?”

“Seating cushion.”