Page 6 of Irene

Instead, the Nobek snagged the skirt of the cloak where its closures ended and swept it wide. He was treated to the sight of a pair of undeniably Kalquorian knees and shins. Definitely a woman’s legs.

Except there was something wrong. The skin color was too fair. He realized it an instant before her gloved hand slapped him hard.

He blinked at the sting and ache of his jaw…she had impressive strength…but his brain was busy noting Odeergins didn’t have five-fingered hands like Kalquorians. Nevertheless, his heart nearly stopped when she clutched the respirator snout of her headgear and shoved it upward. Jemi screamed, and Sherv yelled in anticipatory horror an instant before her furious features were exposed.

Rusp gaped at the brown eyes and their odd round pupils. She wasn’t a Kalquorian Matara after all. She was another rarity…an Earther woman.

Chapter Three

“You…how dare…are you trying to get me killed?” Irene yelled at the wide-eyed bearded man staring at her.

Her first thought when he’d exposed her legs was how much trouble she’d be in if another Earther, maybe James Donald or Dolores, saw a virtually naked man touching her. Particularly a Kalquorian.

On the heels of the realization rushed in other impressions…hewasnearly naked, and he and his incredible gleaming muscles were standing mere inches away. He was sweaty, but so was she, having donned her heavy disguise immediately after her show. The scent coming off him did little to dispel a surge of excitement running down her spine. His beard and hair were wild, but she discerned intelligence on his strong and handsome features.

He wasn’t alone. His bare-chested bandmates were at his back, their cat-pupiled purple eyes staring at her. She was very aware of the masculine flesh within reach.

She was also abruptly conscious of the fact that for once, she wasn’t the fittest person in the vicinity. While she kept herself in good shape thanks to daily exercise, including weight training, she wasn’t two hundred pounds-plus of sheer muscle.

She’d slapped Mr. Nearly Naked, who looked as if he could snap her in half without trying.

For long seconds, she and the three men stared at each other in wordless shock. Then Nearly Naked spoke in a low rumble. “Apology?”

Sure. She’d apologize and run for all she was worth to her quarters, if it was what he wished. He’d grabbed her, but yeah, she was outnumbered and in definite danger. She’d take out a damned ad to say she was sorry if necessary.

He spoke again, his hands drifting up as if surrendering. “Is apology correct? I am wrong to do to you and I do not mean harm? I am apology? I make mistake.” He glanced at the man on his right, as if for help.

“He is ask forgiveness, Matara. We have not much your speech. Is hard for him to say.” The fellow with the wide-set eyes, he of the raspy, damaged voice, glared at his companion before barking a staccato stream of alien words.

Nearly Naked shrugged and ducked his head. He muttered a shamefaced reply.

“Oh. Well.” Irene glanced around to make certain no one else was wandering the corridor. For the moment, they had the bright length of the hall to themselves.

She wanted to know why the disguise had failed her. She couldn’t use it if she couldn’t rely on it. “Why did you come after me? Do you have a death wish where Odeergins are concerned?”

Nearly Naked’s gaze went to the lower part of her cape. “Legs showed in club. Believe you Kalquorian Matara.”

Matara. It was what Kalquorians called women, if Irene had it correctly. He’d also verified what she’d heard about the similar race’s view of females. “This is how you treat your women? You just run up and grab them?”

His expression was horrified. “No. Fear Matara alone. In danger. Need Nobek to keep safe, take to her clan.”

Realization eased Raspy Voice’s stern look. “Kalquorian Mataras rare. Special. We must protect all. Rusp feel he helps woman return to her clan to be safe. Not know you are Earther.”

Irene believed she grasped the situation. Her legs had been revealed when Captain Nil’s companion had brushed her cape. Nearly Naked…Rusp…had seen and assumed she was a female of his own race in trouble. He’d been running to her rescue.

“Mistaken identity,” she murmured.

“Apology,” Rusp said again. He appeared horribly embarrassed. “I no harm Earther Matara.”

The third man, who’d been silent throughout their clearing up the confusion, spoke up. “Earther Matara hide? In danger?”

Irene glanced around again, making sure no one saw her bare face hanging out. “Only if I’m caught. I’m not allowed to go where I want alone, but I wanted to hear music.”

“Our music?” Raspy’s surprise lit in delight. “You Earther want hear lemanthev?”

The trio suddenly appeared thrilled. Irene knew the excitement of shared musical interest, of the joy when someone was attracted to her work. Her grin matched theirs.

They were insanely handsome. She had to force herself to focus elsewhere.