Page 35 of Irene

Rusp set the inhaler and rejected stim tab on the shelf next to the bed. He regarded her. “Sherv was little rough.”

“Not too rough.” Her grin was saucy. “I wouldn’t have changed what we did for a second. The small bit of hurt actually made the fantasy more real and exciting.”

Rusp’s aura of minor gloom disappeared in his smile. “I have done the same and liked it. I’m not gentle like Jemi. I can be rougher than Sherv, but I’ll be careful if you say to. Or not if you want try harder.”

Irene’s heart fluttered. It was true she’d been enthralled when Sherv’s demands had grown harsh. Her body had thrilled to the coarser aspects of their roleplaying. How far would Rusp take it?

“Can we ease off if it’s too much for me?”

“Of course.” He looked affronted she’d ask such a question. “Not wish to make you unhappy. You just say, and I stop.”

She looked him over, but it was how he appeared when he played drums that popped in her head. Nearly naked, obviously aroused, snarling, hair slinging at his violent movements, feet stomping…

She licked her lips. “I’ll do it.”

His features lit in the same primitive hunger he displayed on stage. His cocks jerked. He crawled to her, a predator who’d cornered his prey. She lay flat as he crept over her, her legs widening to offer him whatever he wished, showing her willingness to be taken.

Watching her face, he grabbed her breast. He squeezed hard. She gasped, but the ache of his grasp somehow softened her to his demands. Heat built under his command.

He pawed both breasts, then bent to mouth them. Rusp used his teeth, scraping her soft flesh so red trails appeared in their wake. Irene trembled, excited to be marked by him. She thought of the heretical writings claiming her ancestors had begun in caves, little better than brutish animals who might have coupled like beasts.

Except Rusp kept an eye on her, ensuring she found his bestial attentions acceptable. When she offered no resistance, when she arched to offer him more flesh, he growled and nipped. She gasped, her eyes wide. Eagerness surged, and she realized she’d bared her teeth in return.

Rusp grinned, a low snarl answering. All at once, Irene’s wrists were captured in his fist, pinned over her head. The Nobek grabbed her leg and shoved it onto his beefy shoulder, nearly bending her double because of how he crouched over her. His weight was on her, trapping her beneath him so she couldn’t move. She felt greater helplessness than when she’d been tied to the bed.

“Okay, woman. Fight me.”

Passion woke fierce demand, shocking her anew. Irene yanked her arms. She kicked. What contact she made with the brute’s body showed no effect. He continued to grin as he positioned his smaller cock to enter her pussy.

“Can’t escape? Time to take you fucking then.”

Rusp shoved in her. Though it was his smaller shaft, it filled her well and drove heady friction to the inner special spot. She kicked, but this time from a burst of exhilaration. His larger cock stroked her clit as it slid over her mound. When Rusp was fully embedded, he ground against her, rubbing the clamoring nub so she yelled.

He slid half out and drove in. Ground until she wailed.

“Feel me fucking you tight, wet cunt. Ream you hot pussy. Take it, woman.”

His rhythm wasn’t fast, but it was steady and hard. He paused to grind against her clit. His insistent pounding woke a glorious ache despite her having taken a pain inhibitor. She reveled in her helplessness to halt him, finding his complete control over her thrilling.

He rode her, his expression gloating to have her at his mercy. “Nowhere you go. Nowhere you hide. I fuck you, you can’t stop me.”

She couldn’t, and she didn’t want to. Her own primitive beast had woken. It knew instinctively she was to be mated when nature called her to by the male animal who’d scented and hunted her down.

When Rusp’s cock drew free of her before they’d come, she uttered a despondent wail. His chuckle rumbled through her.

“I not done. You get little taste of what I do to you. The bare hint.”

He’d gathered his lengths in his fist, holding them together. He brought them to her trembling womanhood and began to invade.

Irene froze. Both of them in her, in the same place? Was it even possible? Her mind protested, but she was too shocked to voice the words clamoring in her head.

His gaze was on her face as he pressed in. “Take it.”

Irene whimpered, the pressure of the double impalement stretching her pussy. The ache was wonderful, but she was certain it would become too painful to stand. He moved slowly, giving her time to adjust. His fingers rubbed her clit, transforming the building throb to a more enthralling sensation.

“Yes, woman. Surrender. You have not choice.”

There it was, the incredible excitement of being at his mercy, no way to flee. Irene shuddered from the thrill of being Rusp’s conquest, from the excruciating bliss of what he insisted she do. Not because of the building hurt that wasn’t quite hurt.