Please note: this story contains graphic depictions of men loving men and men loving an intersex (male/female) individual.
Read Chapter One now:
Dramok Korkla took a deep breath. With effort, he forced himself to sit still on the plush lounger in his Plasian quarters. He didn’t try to be calm, however. There was no point in that when his heart drummed fiercely, as if to escape his chest. Waiting was a bitch on the nerves, especially when one was excited, hopeful, and nervous all at once.
His clanmate Raxstad stood to one side of the lounger, as still as only a Nobek could be. In the soft light of the floating lighting globes overhead, the huge warrior looked like a boulder with legs and midnight-black dreadlocks. His heavy brow furrowed.
Korkla studied the clan protector in the dancing light. Flames crackled from the firepit that sat in the center of the room. The fire moved the shadows over Raxstad’s rough, almost brutish features. One would be foolish to think the man was as thick as his tree-trunk thighs, however. Raxstad was as wily and cunning and resourceful a warrior as had ever graced Global Security, the law enforcement entity he worked for on the planet Kalquor. Intelligence shared equal space with the feral intensity present in his purple eyes.
The Nobek’s stoic display didn’t have Korkla fooled for one moment, however. Korkla knew Raxstad was every bit as hopeful and anxious as the clan leader. A tendon in his jaw jumped from time to time; his one concession to tension. The fact that Raxstad stood, rather than draping his beefy frame on the other overstuffed lounger or the nearby chair, also spoke to his anticipation.
Their clanmate Govi didn’t try to hide his agitation. The gentle Imdiko paced back and forth in front of them, his booted feet sinking into the deep white pile of the cushioned flooring. He’d managed to wear a path in the carpet. One could see the circuit he’d made around the firepit, past the waterfall basin, and alongside the dimmed-glass windows that normally looked out over the gardens. And past the door, of course. There Govi always paused, as if listening for steps outside. Even now as Korkla watched, the Imdiko glanced at the door that led to the corridor outside the quarters. Any moment now, they should have their visitor. Or would they?
Govi’s face, as beautifully formed as it was kind, betrayed his anxiety. He knew the stakes better than anyone. He’d worked with traumatized Earther women on Kalquor. In fact, he had made it his focus as a psychologist. Seeing his concern worried Korkla more about their chances with the unique lady they waited to meet.
For the third time in the last ten minutes Govi muttered, “Maybe she’s not coming.”
Korkla restrained an urge to grab the Imdiko and make him sit down. “Israla said she’s bringing her in the next few minutes.”
“Israla also said the girl has great difficulties with facing others who know what she is. We know.”
“And she told us she’d drug Michaela to get her here if necessary. Calm down, Govi. You’re making me nervous.”
Govi halted in front of Korkla. The clan leader looked up at his clanmate and swallowed. By the ancestors, the man was stunning. With high cheekbones, full lips, and perfect symmetry, Govi’s face was breathtaking. Even filled with angst, he couldn’t help but be beautiful. Korkla quelled the urge to drag his Imdiko down so he could kiss all that perfection.
Ignorant of Korkla’s silent worship, Govi continued to fret. His hands closed and opened.
“She’s beautiful, isn’t she?” he said, as if he wasn’t treated to his own gorgeous countenance every time he glanced in the mirror. His expression lit with wonder as he looked between the other two men.
Raxstad’s broad face lit with real pleasure. It softened his strong features, giving him his own version of attractiveness. His voice a deep rumble in that massive chest, he confirmed, “She’s the loveliest of her kind that I’ve seen.”
Govi’s excitement faded to be replaced once more with worry. “She has so many issues with self-acceptance, though. After what Israla told me, I’m not sure I can help her. I’ve never had to deal with someone with this level of esteem issues.”
Korkla smiled at his concerned clanmate. “You’re the best at what you do, my Imdiko. There’s no one on Kalquor more qualified to help this poor woman.” He sounded sincere because he was. Govi, unable to settle his own worries, was amazing when handling the agonies of others. It was why he’d been made the head of Earther Matara psychology in the empire.
Right now, his Imdiko’s emotions ran the gamut. The mild-tempered psychologist scowled at Raxstad, an expression rarely seen on Govi’s face. “By the ancestors, how can you be so still? So controlled? It’s like she had no effect on you at all.”
Raxstad arched a heavy brow at him. “You saw very well the effect she had on me.” He snorted and looked at his crotch. Even in the dim light Korkla could see how lively Raxstad felt. The Nobek had enjoyed watching Michaela Blake and Jessica McInness do a presentation of belly dancing. They all had. Korkla could still detect the spicy scent that betrayed their combined arousal.
The Nobek shook his head. “The way she moved. That lush, young body. Mother of All, how could I not react?”
While Raxstad’s arousal didn’t surprise Korkla, it did worry him. His tone tense with warning, he said, “Both of you, stay calm. On top of everything else, she’s an Earther. They’re repressed like no other species. Blatant arousal will probably send her screaming from us.”
Govi fretted, “Yet she needs to know we find her attractive. It’s going to take a careful balancing act, my Dramok.”
Korkla’s tension increased at his Imdiko’s words. How were they supposed to do this? He and Raxstad knew nothing about Earthers, and Michaela Blake’s situation was beyond anything Govi had ever encountered.
He forced himself to take another deep, steadying breath. “We’ll do our best. That’s all we can do.”
But would it be enough to charm a frightened, self-loathing Earther woman? A woman who was also male?
* * * *
Michaela Blake floated down the intimately lit corridor of Plasian leader Saucin Israla’s home. It was like drifting in a happy dream, where peace filled the world and something wondrous waited just around a distant corner.
It didn’t matter that the feeling was a falsehood and that Israla drew her towards devastating rejection. The leshella Michaela had drunk had taken away the tears and terror she’d felt only moments ago. It would dull the coming pain, putting it on the back burner for later...unless she could convince Israla to give her a lifetime supply of the potent intoxicant.