Page 85 of Irene

“It was still a trial to reunite your family,” Valentina said. “We had difficulty arranging to speak to a Kalquorian representative because of the conflict between our worlds.”

“We couldn’t go through regular channels, because it meant talking to the Earth ambassador’s office, and those running from Earth aren’t thought highly of.” Laura beamed at Fausto. “Again, Fausto came to the rescue.”

Fausto sighed tragically, though Irene could tell he delighted in her mother’s gratitude. “I am a pariah to my own world, but I haven’t lost my wits or my voice. I had the idea to give a show and have a meet-and-greet for dignitaries afterward. It was there we were able to forge connections.”

“Our messages to the Kalquorian ambassador were finally heard, but he seemed afraid to let us talk to you,” Irene’s father said. “Then less than two months ago, we heard about your band and saw vids of you performing. My relief to see you happy and healthy…you can’t imagine.”

“The ambassador at last relented and sent a message to your manager Parlek three days ago,” Fausto said. “He had a ship bring us here to surprise you. Good surprise, huh?”

“Parlek!” Irene shouted at the grinning Dramok, standing several feet away and watching the reunion. “You knew for three days? You didn’t tell me?”

“It was a job, getting the permissions for them to cross the border. I wanted to be absolutely sure they had clearance before getting your hopes up.”

“But I would have known they were all right!” She shook a fist at him, suspecting he’d kept it a secret so it wouldn’t affect her performance. Parlek was an incredible manager, but he could be a devious bastard when it suited him. She’d make him pay.

Later. For that night, she’d set aside her fury to revel in the company of her parents, so long beyond her reach.

* * * *

The night hours waned. The sleeping station was waking when Irene, Sherv, Rusp, and Jemi, who carried the sweetly sleeping Ajef, returned to the luxurious transport the recording company had given them to use for the tour.

It had been difficult for Irene to leave her parents at the posh lodgings Parlek had arranged for them, though everyone was yawning nonstop by then. She had a strange fear they’d disappear before they moved their few belongings onto the tour ship.

“You’ll live with us,” Sherv had told Laura and Kevin. “You’ll go on the tour for as long as you wish, then you’ll move to our home on Kalquor.”

Laura had been incapable of relinquishing Ajef for as long as they were together. While Irene had spent months thinking her parents were lost to her, she’d wondered how they’d react to her joining a clan and giving birth to a half-Kalquorian child. Her concerns had proven unfounded. Her parents had thanked Clan Sherv for keeping Irene safe during those tumultuous weeks when the abductions had occurred, and they doted on their adorable grandchild without reservation. Realizing how much they loved her and accepted her life humbled Irene, as did her clan’s eager insistence Kevin and Laura live with them forever, if they wished.

On board the transport, the clan gathered around the baby’s bed, its protective containment walls activated to keep Ajef from rolling out. Jemi lay their son down and set the temperature controls.

“Fausto wishes he could talk you into joining his new opera company,” the Imdiko teased.

“To play second fiddle to Valentina for the rest of my life? Not a chance.” Valentina had her wonderful points, and Irene was grateful for what she’d done to save her and her parents. Nonetheless, she’d spotted jealousy sparking in those dark eyes when Fausto had tried to tempt Irene to return to opera.

“Do you miss doing those types of shows?” Rusp asked gently.

Irene thought about it. She loved opera and its lavish productions. She loved singing arias and acting. But it lacked essential ingredients she’d found as a rimnastin performer: interaction with her audience, the wild energy of full-tilt music, and most importantly, standing on stage in the company of men she loved beyond reason.

Looking at Sherv, Jemi, and Rusp, Irene felt she might explode from sheer love. Her parents had been miraculously restored to her. Her baby was healthy and perfect in every way. She belonged to the best clan a woman could ask for.

“Why would I wish for anything else when I have it all?”

Sherv brushed the tears pouring down her cheeks before pulling her in his arms. In his new, smoother voice he asked, “You’re happy, Irene?”

“So happy. I’m afraid to sleep and wake up to discover this is a dream.”

“Should we stay awake for a little while longer?” He kissed her. It turned passionate, erasing her fatigue.

“A little while.”

He picked her up and carried her to their sleeping room, Jemi and Rusp on his heels. Sherv set her on her feet at the end of the bed. Without speaking, the three men slowly undressed her, their gazes drinking her in as if for the first time. When she was naked, their calloused fingertips stroked her, the rough yet tender contact sending shivers along her spine.

Still silent, Sherv guided her to crouch on the bed’s surface, so her head pillowed on her folded arms, her ass high in the air. Those hair-raising touches caressed her buttocks, the folds of her pussy, her clit. They said nothing, but she knew she was to remain in place while they offered sensual suffering.

She muffled her cries in the bed linens as they played, making her wet and eager and desperate. They refused to hurry, but their touches were profound nonetheless. Her intimate folds were traced and thoroughly explored. Fingers pressed in her and stroked, rubbing where it felt best until she spasmed. With her properly wet, they departed to tease open her tighter passage, to stretch and ready her for her clanmates’ pleasure. Meanwhile, her clit was stroked carefully but demandingly. It ended when her quaking warned of her nearness to orgasm. Then she was left to suffer until the tremors eased. The deliberate touches returned to taunt her anew.

She thought of the first time she’d made love to Sherv, their roles of harem girl and the king she’d had no choice but to obey. Irene fell in the fantasy of being the captive of three kings, forced to endure their ardor, falling under their erotic spell against her will. She had no hope of escape, only to earn their approval so she wouldn’t be punished. Her body betrayed her under their insistence; she grew wetter, her pussy clutched at the fingers filling it and stroking in tandem with those stretching her ass for profane use, and she was unable to quiet the moans she tried to muffle in the rumpled sheets.

“Rusp.” Sherv’s voice broke the silence.