Page 74 of Irene

Meanwhile, Rusp’s lovely mother Matara Fekeg hurried forward. “You’re a sight,” she told Rusp affectionately, tugging his wild beard. “When will I ever see your handsome face again?”

“Hello, my mother. You look wonderful.” He smiled as their foreheads touched.

She was youthful despite being over sixty years, reminding Irene of how much slower Kalquorians aged. Her wavy black hair was a waist-length mass. She was muscled, which Irene had expected, but she was still awed by the Fekeg’s obvious strength. Irene had been deemed an Amazon by her fellow humans, but she was dainty in comparison to the other woman. Fekeg’s gown, a gorgeous silver-and-black floor-length dress more suited to a black-tie party than picking up relatives at the spaceport, made Irene in her simple skirt and blouse feel frumpy.

Fekeg’s features were of a classical loveliness. Her beauty was slightly haughty but possessed a warmth that stole any hint of real arrogance. She turned her friendly regard to Irene.

“You’re the woman the fuss is about. Welcome, Irene, my daughter by clanship. We’re thrilled to have you here, though I understand the circumstances are less than ideal.” She took Irene’s hands in hers.

“Thank you, Matara Fekeg. I wish I was meeting you on a happier occasion, but I’m grateful you’re allowing me to stay in your home. I have to say, I’m impressed you speak English so well.” Irene was very surprised by her command of the language.

Fekeg chuckled. “Blame Ezrob. As a high commander of ground troops, he’s tasked to learn many languages. He insists we learn and speak those he needs to know until he’s fluent.”

Sherv had insisted on the same from Rusp and Jemi. Perhaps Ezrob had been where he’d gotten the idea.

Dramok Vinin and Imdiko Kopo had greeted Rusp, Sherv, and Jemi as Ezrob and Nil’s security team finished their business. The destroyer crew handed over Clan Sherv’s handhelds and coms before returning to their shuttle.

The three men of Rusp’s parent clan brought their attention to Irene and bowed low.

Vinin was a massive specimen of a Kalquorian. Had it not been for the gentle smile and twinkle in his eyes, Irene would have been intimidated by the broad giant of a man. “Matara Irene, clanmate to my son Rusp, mother-to-be of my first grandchild, it is an honor to meet you. Thank you for agreeing to stay in our home until we can get you better settled.”

Irene was startled to hear how sincere his gratitude sounded. “Thank you for having us.”

“I hope this matter hasn’t been too traumatizing. Anything we can do to make you comfortable, please let us know.” Kopo’s grin was the broadest, and he brought down its voltage with noticeable effort. “I understand this whole affair has been hard on you, so please forgive me if I forget myself and behave enthusiastically. Due to the lack of Kalquorian women, I’d despaired of our sons finding mates and having children of their own. You’re a gift to us as much as them, and I hope I don’t offend you by saying so.”

The feeling in his tone nearly moved Irene to tears. “You’re very kind. I look forward to knowing you all better.”

It was Ezrob’s turn. He and Irene eyed each other speculatively before he offered a second bow. “I apologize for being an instrument in your unwanted situation. I don’t support my government’s decision. I wouldn’t have had you clanned against your wishes and without your knowledge if I’d seen a route to deliver you home safely.” His brow arched. “However, if you’d shown up pregnant on Earth, it would have gone badly.”

“I accept my share of responsibility for what’s happened,” Irene said. “My foolishness started this.”

“Hardly.” A slight scowl twisted Vinin’s heavy features. “Earth’s treatment of its women is criminal. I hope the Galactic Council of Planets sees their government for what it is.”

“Don’t upset her,” Kopo admonished. “Can we go home? It would be best if we left before…”

He glanced at Ezrob, who nodded. “The shuttles bearing the rest of the women on the destroyer will dock soon. I doubt it’ll be a happy occasion for many.”

“We don’t want you upset,” Fekeg said, slipping an arm in Irene’s and tugging her away. “It isn’t good for you or the baby.”

“But I’ll be able to talk to my friends later, right?” Irene looked over her shoulder at the empty bays, as if she could see Mrs. Hoffman and Meg leaving shuttles and looking lost and scared. She saw a crowd of men in the distance who appeared to be waiting. Were they the clans who’d been assigned to the kidnapped women?

“I’ll get the information for you. In a day or two, you can com their clans and ask to speak to them,” Ezrob said.

“Thank you.”

Irene glanced at Sherv, Rusp, and Jemi, who followed in a line behind the parents. Their expressions were remarkably similar…cautious and watchful, as if they wandered through a field full of landmines. Jemi offered her a strained smile. She returned it.

Clan Vinin seemed as likeable of in-laws as Irene could hope for. Even Ezrob was decent, doing his utmost to treat her gently. However, she was reminded of the conversation between him and Rusp that had been translated for her benefit, and his accusation his son wasn’t a real man.

Don’t pick on him in front of me. I won’t listen to it.

Her ruminations were interrupted by Ezrob himself as his unsmiling visage swung toward the silent clan of younger men. “Don’t worry where your ship and its belongings are concerned. The ship will be impounded until the clanship question is settled, but we can claim your property on board in a few days.”

“I appreciate your efforts on our behalf, my father.” Rusp’s tone was as unemotional as Ezrob’s. “We have a great deal of money tied up in our instruments and gear.”

Irene noted the parents’ exchanged looks, the slight change in mood. Kopo stopped himself in mid-eyeroll when he noticed her attention. He claimed the arm Fekeg hadn’t commandeered and smiled brightly. “Did they at least let you have your clothes and shoes on board the destroyer? Or did they act like typical military men and forget civilians live differently?” He tossed a mischievous grin at Ezrob, who snorted.

“My belongings were among what was in the bins those men took,” Irene said.