Page 68 of Irene

“It’s faster than us. We won’t reach Moclu System.” Rusp glanced at Sherv, then the weapons station.

“We can’t fight them. We can’t endanger Irene.”

At the mention of her name, she gripped Sherv’s shoulder. “What’s happening? I’m guessing your fleet is on its way, but catch me up.”

He told her about Ezrob’s warning. He pointed to the red triangle pursuing them. He only kept one detail to himself.

She stared at the symbol denoting the pursuing Nil. “I’ll be forced to clan? I’ll never see my parents again?”

“You aren’t to go to men you never meet. I swear it, Irene.” Sherv stood and motioned for Lorj to take his place. “As for your parents…we’ll figure something out.”

He couldn’t imagine how to fix that part of the equation. All he could do was rely on Ezrob’s help to ensure Irene wouldn’t be clanned to strangers.

* * * *

The hatch opened. Irene’s heart pounded as Rusp gripped Sherv’s arm. “My Dramok—”

“Only if they aggressive. I can’t stop you if it happen, but I walk off first as clan leader.” Sherv glanced at Irene. “Your priority is her.”

“They won’t hurt you,” she moaned. “Tell me they won’t.”

“They might try to put me in custody, but they learn they have no cause.” He grimaced and took her hand. “I’m sorry. Everything I’ve done is of love for you.”

Her heart lurched. He’d spoken the words, damn him. Of all times, he chose the moment when they were to be wrenched apart to tell her he loved her.

“Clan Sherv! Leave the ship, or we’re boarding!”

Irene’s lip curled at Nobek Amig’s shout from the destroyer’s bay outside the transport. He was a bastard, him and his Dramok. She might be forced to Kalquor, but they’d hear a few choice words from her first.

Sherv squeezed her hand and managed a bleak smile. “I’ll figure this out. I will, Irene.”

He turned and walked through the hatch, Rusp on his heels. Irene clung to the back of the Nobek’s shirt, and Jemi held onto her shoulder. The Nobek crew followed, their expressions fierce.

As soon as they stepped on the floor of the destroyer’s shuttle bay, the Nobeks and Sherv formed a line in front of Irene and Jemi. They were unarmed, but the born warriors leveled surly glares at the row of armored black-clad fleet security officers, baring fangs in warning. Sherv glared across a couple yards at Captain Nil.

Nil spoke to Sherv in Kalquorian. Sherv gave him a withering glare. “You know English. Speak so Matara Irene can understand you.”

Nil’s glance flickered at her, watching over Sherv’s shoulder. “I simply told Dramok Sherv if he and his friends decide to fight, it won’t go well. Are you unharmed, Matara?”

“I was perfectly fine until you showed up. I’d be even better if you’d kindly fuck off.”

Irene relished his surprise. She took great pleasure in using a phrase she’d never uttered before for his benefit.

“I’m sorry you’re upset,” he said. “However, my orders are clear. I’m to take custody of you and those who defied the fleet and deliver you to Kalquor. Dramok Sherv, Imdiko Jemi, Nobeks Rusp, Taru, Lorj, and Anez, you’re under arrest. Don’t resist as my men cuff you, and you won’t be harmed.”

“Only if you have valid charges to arrest us. You don’t.” Sherv smirked at him, but there was no humor in it.

Rusp shot him a confused look, then returned to glaring at the assembled destroyer crew.

“You’re aware of the charges. There’s no need to draw this out.” Nil jerked his head at Amig.

Amig motioned to the Nobeks at his back and opened his mouth.

Before he could speak, Sherv called, “You attempted to kidnap my clan’s Matara, Captain Nil. If anyone committed a crime, it’s you.”

Irene started. His clan’s Matara?

Chapter Sixteen