Page 64 of Irene

Not yet.She begged her body even as she uncontrollably drove against Sherv.Not yet.A spark of intense feeling, a mere flicker that grew.Not yet. It bloomed, filling her with blazing heat.Not yet.

It consumed her as Sherv cried out, his groin thudding hers at a violent pace.

She fell in the fire, surrendering to its power after having lost the battle. The flames licked through her, for a few moments each stronger than the last. The blaze slowly burned itself out, leaving a soft glow within.

When she was able to speak to the man leaning over her and watching her, she said, “Thank you. For all of it.”

“No matter how it ends, I wouldn’t have missed a single second.” He kissed her.

They leisurely untangled, swept up in the spell of what they’d shared. Irene blinked around the main cabin. Rusp was sitting on the lounger, clothed, his arm bandaged.

“Where’s Jemi?” Sherv asked, picking up his own clothing from the floor.

“Sleeping room. He got quiet after hearing you talk about…well, you know. Finished bandage me, left.” Rusp looked from Sherv to Irene. “I think he wish to be alone.”

She hesitated, wondering if it was selfish to continue on because she needed to be close to each man. Her desires aside, she was worried about the most sensitive of the clan. “I’ll check on him anyway.”

Neither Nobek nor Dramok debated the wisdom of doing so. She went down the hall to their shared room. She tapped on the door before ordering it open.

She stepped in. Jemi sat on the edge of the sleeping mat, his shoulders hunched and head hanging. He stared up through the black strands fallen over his face.

“Hey,” Irene said. “Are you okay?”

He shrugged, then shook his hair back. “No.”

“Me either. I’m trying, but it isn’t quite working.” She edged closer.

“I don’t want every time we make love to feel it be the last. It hurts, Irene.” His expression was pure misery despite the obvious swelling of his crotch as he stared at her nudity.

“I don’t either.” She sat next to him but didn’t touch, determined she wouldn’t push him. “But it reminds me of how truly precious what little we have is. I hate it, but I’m grateful as well. I can’t take any of it for granted.”

“Will it be worth it? Later?” His voice was unnaturally thick.

“I don’t know. Maybe at first, it won’t feel like it. We might even wish it hadn’t happened when we’re missing each other the most.” She drew a breath and swiped at the tears escaping. “I think in the end, I’ll be glad to have been with you as much as possible. Eventually, I’ll have more to smile than cry about when I remember this.”

“You think so?”

“That’s how it usually goes when I haven’t visited my parents in a long while. It’s been over a year and a half, if you don’t count vid coms. Trust me, those aren’t the same as being with them in person.”

“We won’t even have that, will we?”

“Not for a while. But Jemi, change is constant. We can’t imagine it happening now, but someday Earth and Kalquor might get along. Nothing’s impossible.”

He gazed at her, slowly blinking. “I guess. Wish I could see future.”

“Me too.” She managed a smile. “I’d give anything to learn we’ll be together again. I’d be so happy if it were the case.”

He took her hand. He traced her fingers, one at a time. “Is reminding me of tragic story. Find perfect woman, lose her.”

“I’m holding out for a happy ending. I refuse to give up on the hope we’ll find each other in the future.”

He gazed at her, his expression sweet and suffering. “I won’t either, then.”

They kissed. As they did so, Jemi tugged her onto his lap so she straddled him. Irene tugged at his shirt, goading him to pull it off. He did so, and she clutched him tight, feeling his heat against her breasts and belly, kissing him again.

Somehow, he eased his pants down without her having to get off him. She wasted no time. The instant she felt his slick interest, she reached for him. A moment later, he was in her.

She sat, her weight fully on him, her legs bracketing his waist. It pushed him deep inside. She remained still, concentrating on the astonishing fullness, on the perfection of his mouth traveling her chin, her throat, her chest. He lavished attention on her breasts, kissing and sucking. Gentle one moment, clawing and nipping the next, then tender once more. She sighed her enjoyment, combing his long hair through her fingers, kissing the top of his head.