Page 54 of Irene

She shuddered when Jemi pushed fingers in her. He kept the vibrator moving on her clit as he searched out the inner exciting place. His thrusts matched the rhythm of the flogger tails splashing on her ass. Was Rusp whipping her harder? There wasn’t so much pain as intensity, the impressions of hurt and delight meshing in a confusing but enthralling whole.

It was becoming hard to concentrate on Sherv as incredible feelings rose. When her rhythm faltered, Sherv’s hand on her head guided and reminded her.

The flogging was growing louder; she was sure of it. There was no real anguish, however, merely heat and growing intensity. Her mind whirled from the excitement coursing through her. She was theirs to use, to enjoy, to claim as their whims dictated. She sank deeper in the thrilling illusion.

Jemi’s plunging fingers left her. He pressed slick fingers in her other opening, stretching her for the ultimate taking. Irene shuddered at the slight ache, but it was unimportant compared to the rest happening to her.

Thehissandsplatof the flogger ended. Heavy hands grabbed her ass and massaged, sending delicious stinging warmth deep into her flesh. “Our woman is perfect red, marked as ours now.”

“Beautiful,” Jemi sighed. “She’s excited to belong to us.”

“Is she ready for me?”

“I believe so. Not too stretched. I want her to feel you there. Go careful.”

Jemi’s fingers left her. She’d tried to follow the conversation, but the nubby vibrator continued rubbing her clit, driving her crazy. Her excitement had eased at the end of the flogging and the loss of Jemi’s talented fingers inside her. Had they continued as they were, she was sure she’d have come soon. Sherv pressing the back of her head at regular intervals added to their control, and thus, her craving.

Thick legs pressed hers apart. Irene trembled to feel Rusp taking position, eager to claim her. He felt impossibly big as he prodded her pussy, demanding entrance. Jemi continued to tease her clit, and Sherv was directing her to take him faster. The Dramok’s breathing had quickened, and his cocks jerked continuously. The saltier taste of pre-cum had joined the spicy sweetness of his slickness.

Rusp pushed in, the tapered end of him entering her easily. His secondary slid along her slit, probably against Jemi’s padded fingers. When his girth spread wide enough to make her ache, she concentrated harder on Sherv. Rusp advanced steadily, making her accept him, and she reveled in being conquered even as hurt increased.

“That’s it, woman. This what you’re here for. Take it. Take it all.” Rusp’s voice was a growl, electrifying her so her hair stood on end.

Sherv’s breathing was quickening to pants, raspy vocalizations getting louder at each bob of her head. Her hand pistoned on his smaller cock, her mouth concentrating on the primary, which spurted passion more often.

Rusp shoved deep, and Irene jolted at the resounding pleasure-pain. She moaned around her mouthful of Sherv, and he groaned in answer. “Not much longer.”

“Fuck, she tight.” Gripping her hips to hold her in place, Rusp thudded against her, rubbing her inner spot as Jemi maintained contact with her clit. Irene couldn’t keep from squirming as they overwhelmed her. Her brain was short-circuiting, unable to form coherent thoughts for the carnal longing claiming her.

“That’s it. Squeeze me. Let me feel it.” Rusp grunted as he thrust, driving harder and harder. Rutting her.

She was on the verge of coming when he pulled free. Irene wailed a protest, but it emerged muffled because Sherv held her off from retreating.

“Don’t worry, woman. I’m not close to done.” Pressure returned, on her smaller hole. Irene was too intent on Rusp resuming the exciting things he did to her for her to realize what was happening until he drove in steadily.

Ache bloomed quickly just before an iron shaft prodded her pussy. He was skewering her with both, but the position meant the larger cock invaded her tightest confines. Irene froze, shuddering as she wondered if what he was doing was possible.

“Stay relax,” Jemi whispered in her ear. He took her hand in his, the one not massaging her clit. “Squeeze if need to, and I tell Rusp slower.”

Sherv’s grip on her disappeared. “She can speak. I’m close to coming. Take a break.”

Irene released him but hovered over his cocks gasping as Rusp eased in further. The ache was becoming profound. Why did she find it so arousing? Was it because Jemi continued the thrilling pulses centered on her clit?

Her pussy clenched on Rusp’s smaller cock as it filled her. He hissed. Another growl trickled through the air. “Feel and look so fucking good.”

Irene had the urge to back onto him, to enfold him at once, even if it meant him splitting her in half. She was so close to orgasm. A small voice of rationality kept her in place to accept his gradual possession.

His groin met her ass. He paused. His palms cupped her cheeks and spread them, reminding her of the flogging as tender flesh complained. Irene ignored the flare of hurt and imagined him staring where he was embedded in her.Dirty, her mind whispered.Immoral.

The words only enthralled her.

Rusp moved in and out, slowly fucking her in his wicked, bestial way. Discomfort eased bit by bit. When Irene’s moans rang in more desire than torment, Sherv guided her mouth to his primary.

“Suck me. Swallow when I come.”

She was theirs fully, no hesitation. Whatever they demanded, she’d give. The questions of why died, leaving pure acceptance. She was eager to obey. A sweet sense of security permeated her, an assurance she was where she was meant to be.

Rusp slapped against her, and her cunt convulsed, clutching him. Craving gnawed at her core, begging for more. She began to move in tandem, matching his growing tempo, insisting he give her what she needed.