Page 52 of Irene

Her senses shouted she desired everything, but she had no idea what everything was. She knew one thing she was curious about. “I don’t have the experience to even guess. I enjoy what I’m doing now. Is it okay to keep doing this until you…um…finish?”

“Is good for us, but you should have fun too.” His gaze…the regard of all three…was tender. “You trust us? We teach you new, maybe scary things? Promise to stop if you say.”

Excitement surged at the invitation. How could she refuse, especially a man who’d been a professional sex performer? “Yes, teach me. I want to learn.”

“Let’s go on bed then. Talk a little.”

Talk? Irene was mystified why they wouldn’t simply try activities to learn what she liked. She glanced at the forest of cocks surrounding her and wished she could continue what she’d been doing. Jemi was the expert, however.

They helped her to her feet. Rusp picked her up and set her on the bed. The three men joined her, and Sherv and Rusp looked to Jemi with anticipation.

The Imdiko’s attention centered on Irene. “I remember some what you liked when we were doing love before. You play role for Sherv as helpless wife.”

The memory sent a rush of heat to her sex. “I enjoyed it.”

“And Rusp hold you helpless, fuck pussy with both cocks. It give you big climax.”

Her face was as warm as her lower regions. She was excited and embarrassed at once. “True.”

“Did you have a tiny hurt? Small pain but you enjoy it?”

She had. She remembered how odd it had seemed, but in the grip of ecstasy, she hadn’t questioned it. “Is that normal?”

“Normal for Nobek,” Rusp grinned. “I like some pain too.”

Sherv didn’t speak but nodded his agreement.

“Same for me,” Jemi reassured her. “Makes pleasure bigger. Happens for many people.”

“Oh. Okay.” Some of Irene’s self-consciousness ebbed. She’d behaved in an ordinary way.

She was struck by how little she knew of sex and all it could be. No wonder other species laughed at uptight Earthers. Maybe even Fausto and Mrs. Hoffman had few notions of what was apparently a vast range of experiences.

“I see you wet when restrained and some hurt. You excite to be told and made to do things. You are aroused when you give us pleasure, suck our cocks. We can explore this.” When she looked at him uncertainly, he added, “We will be careful.”

Irene considered. Everything he said rang true, though she found some shame in how eagerly she’d responded to their control. Hadn’t she wanted to escape that sort of thing, to the point of daring to run around unchaperoned when it could mean prison and torture?

It was beyond her ability to understand. All she knew for sure was what Jemi offered sent shivers down her spine and made her wetter. The idea of telling him no was so foreign as to make no sense.

“I trust you,” she whispered.

“Good.” His demeanor suddenly became as commanding as Sherv’s. “We try something and you can’t take it, saysholt. Kalquorian forstop.”

“Sholt,” Irene repeated.

“But only if is really not what you want. If you scared, we can slow. We talk about it, but you should push to see where your real limits are.”

“Okay.” He was making her nervous, but Irene couldn’t deny she was fascinated. A part of her was eager to learn what they might have her do.

“You ready?” Jemi’s controlling demeanor softened a touch to allow an encouraging smile.

“I guess.” She trembled as she wondered what she was agreeing to.

“Then we start.” He spoke in Kalquorian to Rusp for a few seconds.

A leer spread over the Nobek’s face. He sprang from the bed and went to the wall. A drawer slid out, and he rummaged.

“What did you tell him? What’s he looking for?” Irene craned to see.