Page 51 of Irene

His chest ached. When he’d decided to defy his parents’ expectations and pursue music as a career, he’d done so because it had been impossible to turn from what his very being screamed for. He felt the same for Irene, but the choice wasn’t his. He had to accept he’d lose her, probably in the near future.

When she stood and headed for the hall leading to the sleeping room, her smile answering the question, he drew what little solace he could find. She was in his life now, and he had the opportunity for now to count.

* * * *

Irene led them to their bedroom, sorrow-tinged excitement filling her.Forget you can’t stay. Take what you can while you can.

She was eager for the special sharing lovemaking provided, but it took everything she had to keep from bursting into tears.

When she turned to Sherv, who’d followed her first, she hid her distress by burying her face in the curve of his neck. She inhaled his scent as his arms wrapped around her. She urged lust to drive the pain away. She clung, enjoying the muscled body against hers, knowing him for the treasure he was.

A hissing sound surprised her from snuggling. Jemi smiled an apology, showing her the injector he’d used on Sherv. “No-baby medicine.”

“Got it.” She watched as he emptied the device of a small empty tube and needle, replacing both with an efficiency that made her blink. “You could have been a nurse.”

Jemi snorted as he dosed Rusp on the side of his neck. “Have to do to myself when palsy flares bad.”

Sherv gripped her chin and tilted her head so she gazed in his eyes. “I’m glad you want this, Irene. I’m glad you want us.”

More than I dare admit.She smiled at him. “I’m happy you want me too.”

While the other two watched, he stripped her blouse and skirt. There were chuckles when she was revealed to be two-toned, thanks to the tanner.

“Well, it’s not like I’ll strip naked for everyone, just you.” She’d tanned her legs to the knees, her arms to the shoulders, her upper chest, neck, and face. “Besides, the supply will last longer if I cover less.”

“I’m glad we only men to see.” Sherv looked at her, his smile faltering. “Only men to touch you.”

“I’m glad too.” She wondered if she’d find anyone else to share herself with among her own kind. She couldn’t imagine it.

It was harder still to envisage an Earther man when Sherv bent to the breasts he bared, his mouth hungrily devouring her. Irene knew passion was possible in a Church-approved marriage, but under its dictates, sex was solely for procreation. She imagined sex could be a colder affair with another human. As Jemi and Rusp joined them, their kisses raining over her wherever they could reach, she thought it must be very strange indeed to be loved by one man when her sole experience had involved three.

She stood, her eyes closed, feeling the profound pleasure of their caresses all over her. Mouths and hands quickened her breath. Her leg was propped on Jemi’s shoulder when he knelt and tasted her where it felt best, and the trio held her up when her other knee trembled in weakness from the sweet assault.

I wish to stay.Again, tears threatened as certainty filled her, as it so often did when they played music as a group, that she was where she belonged.

Jemi sucked her clit, his tongue rubbing over it, and rescued her from the mourning she’d nearly plunged headlong into. She moaned at the cleansing wash of desire sweeping through her, her head falling back onto Rusp’s chest. The Nobek stood behind her, and his lips and tongue found hers.

She clutched Sherv’s shaggy hair as he lavished attention on her breasts, sucking her nipples to erect points. The scent of the men’s excitement filled the air, and she broke from Rusp’s kiss to beg for a taste.

They didn’t answer but stripped as they continued to fondle and feast. Then Jemi rose. As the men surrounded her, Sherv pressed down on her shoulders. Irene sank to her knees.

Their cocks were erect, thick and wet from craving her. Irene considered the six dark shafts for a moment, unsure of how to proceed. She went on instinct, homing in on Jemi’s secondary first, on her left. She gripped his primary in her hand and held it out of the way.

She was enthralled by how delicious he tasted as she sucked his smaller shaft down as far as she could without gagging. Wetness flowed from her as she bobbed once, twice, three times, drinking him in. She switched to his larger cock, swallowing his juices.

She moved to Sherv, who stood in the middle, and repeated the act on his smaller, then larger lengths. His flavor was muskier than Jemi’s, less sweet. She wasn’t sure which she preferred. Rusp’s was the boldest of tastes, definitely spicier. No, she couldn’t pick a favorite. They were all amazing.

She wondered at how kneeling before them naked and sucking their cocks excited her so much. Was it because it was supposed to be a foul act in the eyes of the Church? Their profane flesh in her mouth…such a filthy, degraded act. And so exciting. A line Fausto had sung in a show occurred to her:the most forbidden fruit tastes the sweetest.

How true it was.

She moved between the men and their avid need, exulting in what they shared, in what she gave them. Her sex throbbed, not requiring their touches to delight in the carnal act she performed. Perhaps it was the audacity to dare destruction sending thrills through her. Hadn’t sneaking around the Beonid station given her a similar buzz? Her explorations under her Odeergin disguise hadn’t given her sexual sensations, but the adventure had been exhilarating just the same. The threat of danger electrified her…she thought of how they’d made her helpless the first time, and how arousing it had been.

Maybe it was simply how she felt about them that sent warmth through her. Sharing herself so intimately with the men who’d dared injury and imprisonment to rescue her from a kidnapping and made her soul soar when they played music together seemed a natural progression. They created such wondrousness using instruments and voice…why shouldn’t it translate when she brought that worship to the physical realm?

Such thoughts flitted in and out of her consciousness as she mouthed her lovers’ smooth, thrumming, rigid flesh, delighting in every second of intimacy.

At length, Jemi smoothed her hair back. “So good, Irene, but you need pleasure. What you ask us to do?”