Page 48 of Irene

He sighted Jemi and Rusp talking to a Dantovonian a few yards away. Jemi motioned him over.

“Three nights, one for the new stuff,” he reported. “What’s up?”

Jemi nodded to the Dantovonian. Its segmented face was twisted in the creature’s version of a smile.

Its voice buzzed happily. “I have items for sale. Earther and Kalquorian, which your friends say you’re in the market for.”

“The specific items we need?”

“Earther pregnancy tests, excellent quality. Also medical means to remove a problem.” The Dantovonian winked. “I don’t usually have the opportunity to sell those items away from Earther patrols. They are quite popular with soldiers, however. I guess they don’t listen to their government so much when they go home, huh?”

“Is it safe?” Sherv had no idea if Irene wanted to take such a step, but her welfare might demand it.

“What do I know about Earther medicine? I just sell what they buy.”

“We can view the products, and I’ll check what the databases say.” Rusp patted his handheld. In the early years of their first forays to out-of-the-way performances, he’d gotten pretty good at navigating the black market. He had several programs that verified what was sold. It had often been the only way to buy supplies they’d needed.

“You have to buy half a dozen of each, the tests and the medicine. I sell in lots instead of single products. It’s never a problem for the Earthers,” the Dantovonian insisted.

“Let’s have a look,” Sherv said, though he wondered if he was getting payback for lying to the club owner by being scammed.

* * * *

“The tests check out. Hospitals who sometimes treat Earther females who work off their planet use these.”

Sherv looked at the still Rusp showed him on his handheld’s monitor. It matched the kits the Dantovonian offered them in the crowded hold of his vessel.

“Okay, we’ll take the half dozen,” he said.

“And the medicine?” the Dantovonian purred.

“It’s typically used by Plasians,” Rusp reported. “Their biology is similar enough to humans that it might work, but no tests have been done to verify its effectiveness on Earthers. I have confirmation none of the ingredients would harm her.”

Sherv had a brief image of Irene holding a baby. A baby his clan might have given her. He shooed it away, ignoring a throb of strange longing. He’d never envisioned himself as a father before. “All right, we’ll buy it in case she decides it’s the best option.”

“Excellent. Did you find anything else?” The Dantovonian called to their third.

Jemi had wandered to the section where the Dantovonian had indicated there were Earther and Kalquorian goods stored. His expression was delighted as he showed them a gown, typical of what the women of their empire wore.

“Ah, a lovely gift to attract a potential mate? You have exquisite taste, Imdiko, but let me show you nicer pieces.”

Not a gift, Sherv thought, exchanging a grin with Rusp. He waved to claim the Dantovonian’s attention.

“Hold on. I need to know if you have other items.”

* * * *

It figured the Dantovonian had been docked across the station from their ship. Sherv grumbled to himself as he followed Rusp through the twists and turns. He wondered why he felt so grouchy. They’d accomplished a great deal, more than they’d had a right to in such a place. He’d even scored a rimnastin gig, which had excited Rusp and Jemi. He hoped Irene would be thrilled too.

“Hey! Kalqs! We want a word.”

The trio halted at the sound of English. Four Earther males emerged from the darkened doorway of an empty storefront. The unkempt men brandished percussion blasters.

Chapter Twelve

Sherv didn’t hesitate. As Rusp moved to cover him and Jemi, he thrust the small bin of their purchases at his Imdiko. “Stay back and com the crew for help. One stays with Irene. Run if these assholes start shooting.”

Jemi nodded, his gaze wide and frightened as he held the bin in front of his chest and backed away. The side of his face affected by the palsy twitched.