Page 37 of Irene

She used the quiet service corridors to reach the theater and slipped in. She pulled her headgear off and rushed to the prop area. She shoved her disguise in the trunk.

She turned to find Valentina standing there, smirking at her.

Chapter Nine

“So. Our rising starlet is sneaking around as an Odeergin. How very interesting.”

Irene’s heart relearned to beat with a vengeance. It hammered in her chest as if it would break free. She noted Valentina wore a man’s clothing, padded to disguise her curvaceous figure. Her face was scrubbed clean of makeup. Her features were too lovely and soft to be mistaken for a man’s, but the absence of her black wavy hair under a newsboy’s cap, no doubt hidden by a wig cap, would have kept her safe under casual scrutiny.

“It looks as if you’re also roaming the station inappropriately.”

“Oh, but Rosalie has accompanied me, as is proper. She’s waiting outside the door while we have a little talk. I’m not in violation of Church law. Nor have I spent hours on a Kalquorian ship doing heaven knows what with alien men.”

Dread was a weight in Irene’s gut. Two witnesses had seen her do the unthinkable. “You followed me.”

“For days, when I could sneak out. I wondered where you went in your terrible Odeergin cape…an impressive disguise. I give you credit for that.” Valentina softly patted her hands together in sneering applause.

“Are you going to report me?” Maybe she could make a run for it…but Valentina could raise the alarm. She could com Donald and bring his staff after her before she made it to the docking bay. There was the additional concern going to Clan Sherv would endanger them.

Valentina rolled her gaze toward the ceiling, making a great show of considering. “Anyone would suspect you are engaged in the most terrible sin. Imprisonment, torture, death…a horrible fate for such a promising talent. It would be a shame. I don’t wish to see it happen.”

Irene had a sudden suspicion where the conversation was heading. “You want the starring role for the next show. You wish to play Ruth.”

Valentina laughed, her voice trilling girlish delight. “Silly, silly Irene. I wantallthe starring roles for the remainder of the contract at this station.”

Irene gaped. Valentina was too old to play Ruth and a number of the leads Fausto had promised Irene. It would look ridiculous. “You know why I’ve been cast in those parts.”

“Foolishness is why you were tossed a bone. I should be the prima donna of this company, its female star as Fausto is always the male lead. This business of sharing the spotlight with you is an embarrassment when I have worked my entire life and sacrificed for the prestige.”

And I haven’t?Irene had been forced from her parents and home at the Church’s insistence. Valentina’s well-documented life had informed her that her rival had suffered no such loss. Her parents had been invited along on her tours, to remain at her side during the early years of her career.

“Fausto won’t agree. It was he who chose me to play Ruth and the rest.” Irene was beaten, but she wasn’t prepared to simply give in to Valentina’s ego…though a part of her shouted she should be more worried about staying alive than holding onto lead roles.

It won’t end here. If Valentina gets her way, if I let her use this to blackmail me, I’ll never rise to my full potential, and what I’ve lost won’t mean a damned thing!

“You and I’ll work together to convince Fausto you aren’t prepared to play the roles meant for me. It won’t be hard; you haven’t the voice anyhow.” Valentina caught sight of herself in a nearby full-length mirror and adjusted her padding. She flicked her fingers dismissively at Irene. “It is not your time. Accept it or be reported for lewd behavior.”

Irene seethed. “If anyone’s raised suspicions of her immorality, it’s you. Everyone saw you flirting with the Kalquorian captain and his clan.”

“In the open, and I never took it far enough so Fausto can’t keep me safe. I didn’t hide behind closed doors with several alien men for hours on end.” Valentina glared threateningly. “The discussion is over. You’ll convince Fausto you don’t wish to play those roles, and that’s final. Now come along. Rosalie and I’ll see you to your quarters so you don’t stumble into more men’s private rooms. Unless you wish to be caught sneaking around unchaperoned? That will end badly for you.”

Valentina swept to the door leading to the service corridor. She beckoned imperiously for Irene to join her.

Irene deflated. The prima donna had her, and there was no hope of wriggling out of the trap she’d set. She trudged in the other woman’s direction, her shoulders sagging.

But why blackmail? If she turns me in, she’ll get the roles she desires, and there’ll be no reason to fight Fausto for them.

She wants to rub my nose in it. She wants me to have to say I’m unworthy to play leads.It was the only answer that made sense.

Irene stared at Valentina’s smug expression, hating her. The loathing choking her filled her voice. “I need a disguise before I go.”

“You’ll be in the company of two ‘men,’ myself and Rosalie.” Valentina opened the door, and the waiting chaperone leaned in. Rosalie, in padded shirt, vest and pants, her hair also concealed by a wig cap and a hat, chuckled at Irene.

“Did you and your lovers have fun?” the woman asked. She and Valentina cackled.

Irene thought of returning to the props for a shepherd’s staff she’d noted. Perhaps a beating would erase their smug expressions.

If I get half a chance, they’ll both go down. Hard.