Page 28 of Irene

Then Sherv’s hands were on her. Rough, calloused fingers rasped against her softer skin, squeezing just shy of exquisite pain. Next, his mouth, sucking on her. His delightfully rough tongue rubbed her nipple. A burst of elation shot from her breast straight to her sex. The exciting shock of it might have owned her entire attention, but for Jemi.

He’d managed to shove Sherv over enough to squeeze his shoulders between her knees. The Imdiko kissed her inner thighs, moving back and forth. Creeping up to where she was aching and wet. His mouth was hot and exciting, more enthralling than Rusp’s demanding kiss and Sherv’s licks, which crept ever closer to her breasts. Would Jemi stroke her as Rusp had the other night? Would he rub her where it felt best and make her come?

When he grasped the hem of her panties, a thrilling shock rang through her. Yes, she wanted him to bare her sex. She yearned for direct contact to her clitoris. How incredible would it be to be blatantly handled in such a way?

Her panties were tugged free. She was naked to him. He could see her.

She heard him groan through the roaring in her ears. He gripped her thighs, pushing them apart, opening her to his scrutiny. It brought a splash of fear…she was so exposed…but a rush of excitement overcame the initial urge to jerk away.

She lay trembling beneath the trio, awash in sensations sapping her strength. She waited, basking in her vulnerability as Rusp lavished rough kisses, as Sherv mouthed his way to her other breast and treated it to the same thorough attention he’d give the first, as Jemi’s warm breath wafted on her waiting womanhood.

Touch me, Jemi. Please, please, touch me.

At last, there it was. A slow, light stroke along the inner petals of her sex, as tender as a cat’s whisker. Irene melted into the most intimate contact of her life, her very being liquifying as he traced his way toward where she ached. For a second, she forgot his hands still held her legs apart and the heat wafting on her secret flesh was that of Jemi’s soft exhale. Then she realized what was happening.

Jemi was licking her.There.

Shock freed her of desire’s haze. She whimpered, but Rusp and Sherv either ignored it or thought it was noise of yearning. And yes, it felt good, but it was dirty, she’d been told she was dirty there…

Then Jemi’s lips closed over her clit. His tongue rubbed, and he sucked. He was kissing her, his fervor matching Rusp’s. Irene tossed aside what she’d been told. Rapture laid hold, and her cry was one of welcome rather than protest. Her hips bucked under the demand of lust.

Jemi answered the call. When his lips left her clit, his fingers took over, stroking where ecstasy lived. He kissed her without inhibition, his tongue diving in as Rusp’s did, exploring her pussy in a nearly identical fashion as the Nobek plundered her mouth. Fire coalesced where he touched, lighting every sense beyond what her own tentative petting had managed.

His lips and tongue returned to her clit. He gave her a demanding lick, from her woman’s entrance to the throbbing bud. A pair of his fingers entered her, sliding in and out of her slick welcome.

A flush of heat broke over her. There was a spot inside her, a place that responded to contact as her clit did. Jemi’s fingers slid over it again and again, then harder when a third digit joined. Rising excitement warned she’d come soon under his invasion, while Rusp’s ardent kiss possessed her, while Sherv lavished her breasts with demanding nips and suction.

There was no thought of holding back. Irene’s hips moved of their own accord, rocking to meet the Imdiko’s thrusts, so he’d rub the enthralling area inside. There was no fear of his mouth dislodging; he’d battened onto her clit, and his tongue’s strokes matched those of his fingers. She was fast approaching the golden moment of release, and she knew it would be more incredible than any she’d experienced.

Sensation reached a peak beyond what she’d imagined possible. She was there, an instant from pitching into nirvana, it was on her…

A pinpoint of ecstasy arrived. It bloomed huge and obliterating. It swept through her, erasing all sense of herself, suspending her in a moment too gorgeous to understand. Then bliss pounded through her in surges, shaking her from head to toe. She had a dim awareness of Rusp’s kiss ending, of him and Sherv watching her as Jemi sucked and licked and thrust.

Another bolt of sheer elation shook her. Some part of her registered the thickness leaving her womanhood, but Jemi’s tongue was insistent, drawing fresh spasms of pleasure from her so she barely missed the pressure. There was pressure elsewhere, but orgasm claimed her focus.

What they did to her was incredible. Amazing. As her thoughts began to assemble themselves in bits and pieces, broken by continued waves of delight, she wondered at Earth’s attitude. How could such joy be a sin?

Sherv and Rusp smoothed her hair from her face, smiling at her as she gasped her gratification. They pressed soft kisses to her brow, her cheeks, her lips. They murmured in their language tones of encouragement.

Jemi’s attention gentled but didn’t stop. Slow licks. Tender kisses to her quivering womanhood. The almost-pleasant ache of his fingers inside her, moving carefully in and out…

But not in her pussy. He’d entered her elsewhere while she rode the mind-stealing tide of climax.

Irene blinked. Her eyes widened as she stared at Sherv and Rusp. “He’s…he’s touching…”

Sherv glanced to take in what his clanmate was doing. Caution overrode his pleased expression as he returned his gaze to hers. “We have two. If you want us, he make ready. Maybe you do not?”

Of course not. It was unnatural. Inconceivable she’d do such a thing, though she’d been ready to take the final damning step minutes before, when she’d forgotten what it would mean with Kalquorian men.

What did you expect? You knew they weren’t like humans. Where did you think the second one went?

She was ashamed of her ignorance. She’d excited them, had enjoyed pleasure at their hands, and was contemplating halting it there. Was she so selfish?

I won’t see them after a few more days. I want this, to have something precious to hold onto after they’re gone.

“I tell Jemi to stop.” It was obvious Sherv and Rusp were disappointed, but they accused her of nothing. Their letdown was tempered by patience and understanding, which made her feel worse about her reaction.

“No.” She swallowed, pushing sudden anxiety to the background. “I want to. With you.”