Page 25 of Irene

“Do you think a criminal’s on the loose?” A wriggle of worry appeared in Irene’s stomach.

“Could be. Something alert those guys.” Rusp shrugged. “Because so many Nobeks roam the station, a troublemaker will keep hidden. They won’t bother any Odeergin. I’ll be near when you leave anyway.”

Irene grinned at him. “Then I have no worries. Hey, I’ve been working on those lyrics for the song we were composing, Sherv. I believe I’ve managed to find the right English words to convey the feeling you were trying to get across.”

His face lit. “Let’s go in the music room and try it.”

Jemi hadn’t set her down, and he carried her, bouncing along the corridor like a playful boy, his weaker leg no hindrance to his enthusiasm. Irene laughed at his antics, trying to avoid paying too much attention to the feeling of him against her.

He’d opened up to her about his disability during their last visit. From what Irene had gathered, he’d been struck by a type of palsy as a youth. It wasn’t dangerous to him, but it was a lifelong condition. He was still miles stronger than her and was used to compensating for the weakness of his left side.

He gave her little reason to be concerned. As he carried her like a favorite stuffed animal, she was tuned to every gorgeous inch of him. At least he had a shirt and trousers on tonight.

Minutes later, the men and Irene were standing in a circle. Rusp had a trio of drums lined up, Jemi held his trasbu, and Sherv readied the uferliss. In the center, Sherv’s handheld beamed each person’s written parts before them. Irene, having shed the heavy cloak, quietly ran through trills though having sung earlier had already warmed up her voice.

“Ready, Irene? Computer, record. Count us in, Rusp,” Sherv said. When the Nobek did so and hit the first beat, Sherv pressed the playback button on the recorder, on which he’d stored backing tracks.

The pre-recorded piano part, a few introductory notes, shimmered in the air. The electronic guitar came in, the preliminary chords Irene and Sherv had first fumbled through now certain following the Dramok’s two days of working on it. The three men played an accompaniment that was at once energetic and gorgeously melodic.

Several measures later, the tune quieted to a hushed bed of soft drumming, guitar, and trasbu. Irene started with a gentle soprano.

“Look, see me

In the distance

Beyond the faceless crowd

Forgotten, disposed

Pretended stranger

Unwanted shameful secret”

The music’s volume increased, and Irene’s voice rose with it.

“No more silence

No more hiding

I’m here in the sunlight

See me as I am

And let me live my life”

They swung into the chorus, the tune flowing strong but still a mere backdrop for Irene’s soprano, now soaring.

“Don’t turn away

I’m here to stay

Don’t deny my right

To live my life

Why can’t I be

What you are to me?