Page 24 of Irene

Rusp was quiet, moodier than he tended to be after talking to his parent clan. Jemi was the opposite. He kept begging to go to the opera. “We don’t have to talk to her. Just watching her and hearing her sing would be enough.”

Except it wouldn’t. Sherv understood it as certainly as letting Irene return to the ship would be a huge mistake. Give her permission to court being caught by those who’d harm her? It would be the height of selfishness to let her put herself in danger so they could what…play music no one else would ever hear because he couldn’t imagine anyone else singing it? So he could look in those deep, dark eyes? So maybe, if they hadn’t scared her into eternal chastity by going too far when he’d kissed her, he might be able to hold her once more?

Only to let her go in the end, probably to never meet her again.

“What’s up?” Rusp sat at the dinette across from him and brushed crumbs from their breakfast to the floor, where the robotic sweeper would eventually collect and dispose of them.

Sherv hesitated, then pushed his com over for his clanmate to read.

“Ah, shit.” Rusp spoke quietly, his gaze darting to the corridor to ensure Jemi was nowhere in earshot. Their Imdiko would clamor for the visit if he discovered Irene had asked. Rusp rubbed his hand over his eyes, then scratched his bearded chin. “It’s like dangling a ronka steak in front of starving zibgers.”

“No kidding. She shouldn’t come here. It isn’t worth the threat.”

“You aren’t sending her the message.” Rusp managed a grim smile. “Wrong to say yes, impossible to say no?”

“Why does her government have to be so fucked up?” Sherv scowled at his com, fighting the urge to fling it across the room. He couldn’t afford to replace it. “Why is this so hard? We’ll leave in a few days and lose her for good. What’s the point?”

“One-two punch. Music and her. Mostly her. Mother of All, she’s the total package.” Wistfulness sat strangely on Rusp’s strong-featured face.

She was beyond the total package. She was magic.

“I’m telling her not to come.” Sherv picked up his com. He stared at it.

After a couple of seconds, Rusp said, “I’ll follow her from the theater to the ship. Keep an eye on her and guarantee no one fucks with her.”

Sherv licked his lips as he met his clanmate’s gaze. “It’s wrong. We shouldn’t let her.”

“I know. But if she wants to…if this is our last chance to be together…”

Sherv shook his head. He brought the com to his lips.

* * * *

As she tried to hurry to Clan Sherv’s ship without appearing she was in a rush that would attract attention, Irene quelled the urge to look for Rusp. He’d supposedly waited for her entrance to the main concourse, where he’d follow her at a prudent distance.

Her entire being warmed. The clan was so protective of her. Sherv had commed her strict instructions to take no chances she’d be caught slipping out.The only reason I’m allowing this is because Rusp will watch and be sure you’re safe. If you feel anyone at all suspects, don’t come.

They cared for her. It made her determination to visit them stronger.

At least half a dozen times, Irene thought she saw Rusp, but it was never him. The Kalquorian destroyer crewmen, captained by Nil, were identifiable by their formfitting black uniforms. They were out in force. They stood in knotted groups, black-haired heads close together. When they moved, their purpose was determined, their expressions intense to a man.

She wondered what was up with Captain Nil’s crew. Maybe it was their final night before returning to patrol, and they were eager to enjoy their last night of leave.

Irene dismissed the activity. Reaching the shuttle bay was far more important. She was eager to join her new friends and spend as much time in their company as possible.

The bay was almost as quiet as ever, but again, there were a few clusters of uniformed Kalquorians striding toward the station’s main concourse. They kept clear of the “Odeergin,” which wasn’t difficult since Irene was just as determined to avoid any proximity to them.

She reached the ship without incident. As soon as its hatch opened, revealing Sherv’s and Jemi’s beaming faces, she swept onboard and yanked her headgear off.

Considering how she and the clan had been intimate at their last meeting, Irene had expected their greeting to be awkward. Instead, Jemi wrapped his arms around her, lifted her up, and swung her in a circle. His happy laugh filled her ears. “Irene! You’re back!”

His unguarded exuberance delighted her, and she grinned. “I’m so glad we could make it happen. Hi, Sherv. Hey, Rusp.”

The Nobek chuckled as he shut the hatch behind himself. “It’s good to have you here. Hey, what you think going on with destroyer crew?”

“What do you mean?” Sherv’s smile faltered, replaced by concern.

“They seem to look for trouble, mostly the Nobeks. They crawling all over in packs. I wonder if someone on Kalquor’s most-wanted list was seen on the station.”