I didn’t want to, either, and that was another conversation we had to have, but not tonight.
Tonight had to stay perfect.
The last few days had been hard for me. I called Lucky and told him we would be heading back to the house tomorrow.
Tomorrow, what else would happen?
I’d gone from having a little schoolboy crush on Mel to wanting to protect and love her. I was happy she and Scar had connected, but I had to admit I felt like the third wheel. As we arrived at the diner to have breakfast, I decided I’d tell them both how I felt.
We ordered, and I was quiet. Scar didn’t notice so much because he was too busy acting like a lovesick teen, but I knew Mel would.
“Playboy, you good?”
I shook my head, thinking I’d wait until after we ate, but I couldn’t hold it in. “No. Not really. I thought we had a good thing going, and now you’re back with Scar and it’s like, I’m just completely ignored.”
“Shoot, man! Yeah, we’ve been selfish asking you to babysit and all that,” Scar chuckled.
Mel took Scar’s hand and then looked at him, as if she had something to say he clearly wouldn’t like.
“I feel like I’ve been used. Not just sitting with Dwayne—I don’t mind that. I love the little one.” I smiled as he sat in his baby chair and played with his juice box. The boy could drink, that part was for sure, which was probably why he used so many diapers.
“It’s just, I’ve been seeing Playboy. Going to his house. We’ve kissed…”
Before Mel could finish her sentence, Scar snapped back his hands.
Sure, we’d never fucked. But I didn’t want that with Mel. I didn’t want it to be hello and goodbye, so I had held back, but seeing her with Scar made me jealous. Real jealous. My sis was right. I was falling for Mel.
“Dad. Me. And Playboy. Anyone else? Greyson, too?”
I chuckled at the idea of Mel hooking up with Greyson and Erin being cool about it. That would never happen, not in a million years.
“No. There’s something about all three of you that makes me feel safe.” Mel smiled as her eyes met mine. “And no, Playboy. It wasn’t about you or Lucky filling in the gap until Drake came around. I feel something for you. I’m not sure what, but I do like having you around.”
Scar’s eyes widened as he sank his head into hands then cleared his throat.
“Drake, what’s up?” Mel asked.
He shrugged. “Dunno, this all just feels weird. I want things to be like they were before. You were my girl and that was it. Now, I’m supposed to be like,oh, let’s share you.”
Mel tilted her head to the side as if she were open to the idea. I’d never thought about it. But this was what was happening and what we were in effect doing.
“It’s not weird. What about Savage and those guys? There’s four of them, and they’re with that Trixie, no? We used to laugh whenever they came to the club and say Trixie was a lucky girl,” Playboy explained.
Scar nodded as if he remembered the conversation. “Yeah. True. I suppose, but it’s different when it’s you. When it’s someone else it can be funny. But when it’s you…”
“What? You don’t want people looking and laughing at us?”
This was when I remembered Scar was young. There was only an eight year age gap between us, and it was enough to know we looked at life in a different light.
As we discussed the concept, I came to the realization we were all consenting adults, and I had my own needs, as well. This arrangement seemed ideal for me, a man who couldn’t commit to any woman. It would provide the space and distance that kept me away from conventional relationships. I didn’t need a new partner every night, but relationships often came with the expectation of being together all the time, at least for some. This arrangement would grant me the freedom to pursue my desires and do as I pleased when the opportunity arose.
Having Mel and Dwayne in my life without the pressure of them relying only on me suited my life. Scar, too, because he had so many demons he had to resolve. Mel couldn’t do that for him. He had to do it for himself. As much as he thought he was ready to be a committed father and partner, he wasn’t ready, not a hundred percent. I remembered the way he threw the trashcan that night, the rage inside of him. He was like a volcano ready to explode.
When the pancakes arrived, we indulged in them. Dwayne was more than ready for them as he dropped his plastic cutlery and went straight for the kill with his hands.