Everyone had to keep things in perspective, because if Steel’s papers for the land were genuine, then why go to the trouble of kidnapping? I smelled a rat, but I’d wait for the video to be sent before I made a call. I quickly headed out of the club while everyone calmed down.
My phone rang.
“Frank. What’s up?” I asked my lawyer as I left the club, hoping it would be good news. There weren’t many lawyers I’d trusted to handle my business. Frank was one of them. He did all my family’s legal work, and he had been in the Navy, like me. That’s where we met.
“I’ve got good news and some strange news for you.”
I didn’t reply, because I had a feeling it was just good news and nothing else as I felt something was wrong in my gut.
“Well, the PI came back…”
I could hear him shifting some papers, and I spotted Scar in front of me, smoking. I was breathing in secondary smoke, so I decided I may as well just get some firsthand smoke. I motioned for him to give me one. He handed it over, avoiding eye contact as he did so.
“He said that both the autopsy and the signing of the will took place on the same date. Sometime, last week. In fact, the day you said the old man died.”
“Fuck!” I dropped my cigarette on the ground.
“Exactly what I said when I found out. Anyway, I’m on the case, we’re trying to find the coroner who did the autopsy report because it doesn’t add up. Will let you know when it’s done.”
We weren’t the type who were into small talk. I picked my cigarette off the ground and then put my phone in my back pocket.
I told Scar what my lawyer had said and what Paul had whispered in my ear. Scar didn’t seem interested at first, but then he raised an eyebrow.
“Take this. We’ll smoke and wait for Paul, then we can figure out what to do next.”
I nodded, but I had to find out what was up with him. “Ever since Mel’s come on the scene, you’ve been acting weird. It’s like she abused you in the past or something?”
He shook his head. “No. It’s like all the memories of the past flashed through my mind as she came on the scene. She asked about the scar on my face. I told her about Mom dying, and the crazy part was that she didn’t know. I thought she would have. Sure, we didn’t live in a small town where everyone knew everyone, but it was small enough place for most people to know each other.”
So, he was angry at the past, which had been resurfaced by Mel turning up. I could relate to that. The same happened to me when I saw some guys from my squad. I tended to avoid them, not because they had done anything to me, 82ut because seeing them brought back painful memories of the past.
“Maybe, this is our problem. The ghosts from the past come to haunt us because we haven’t forgiven ourselves or let go of it, not really.”
“My stepdad was a fucking bastard!” he blurted with so much force, the smoke from his mouth came out like a dragon blowing fire.
I felt the anger, and his eyes widened as if he wanted to hit something. I backed away, letting him take out his rage to get it out of his system.
Scar raced to a trashcan and threw it.
My phone vibrated, and sure enough, the video I’d been waiting for had been sent to me. I interrupted Scar and told him he needed to man up because there was a woman in trouble who needed all of us to work together.
With a baby involved, and he was the daddy in case he had any doubt about it.
Mel had confirmed it to me.
When Erin got back, Dwayne was sleeping peacefully, and she didn’t want to wake him, so I took the opportunity to have a quick shower, knowing he was sound asleep in her room. I was putting on some clothes and was about to put my shoes on when a thug stormed into the room, holding my baby.
A sudden jolt of fear ran through me.
“Try anything funny, and he dies. Got it?” he warned as his crystal-blue eye reflected mine. He was one of the most scariest men I’d ever come across. He wore a dark shirt, long dark hair, and must have been at least six foot three or more. He had a toothpick in his mouth and chewed on it as if his life depended on it.
The type of MC member who had no friends because anyone around him was scared of him. I’d seen his type too many times in the bar.
I could tell he would drop Dwayne to the ground with no hesitation if I didn’t follow his rules. My heart raced, pounding as if it were trying to break free of my chest, and it took all the energy out of me until we reached the car.