I realized then she was probably a lot more than the cook as her temper changed in such a short space of time.
“What the fuck!” she blurted as she reached for her ringing phone, then the door opened, but unlike before, it didn’t shut immediately behind her.
My heart raced thinking that this was my opportunity to escape. I looked at Dwayne who was sitting on the bed. He knew something was up, because he’d cried for most of what I thought must have been the night. He’d look at me and then whine, something he’d never done before. A wave of jealousy hit me at the idea of him pining for Erin.
I grabbed him, thinking it was a now or never type of situation as the door was still open, and then I heard a gunshot.
Before joining the club, I wouldn’t have recognized the sound, but sometimes, when there were problems at the club, and some idiot would bring a gun and let off steam, as Ashley liked to call it.
My heart beat uncontrollably as I heard it over and over again. I grabbed Dwayne and put him under the bed then followed after him.
Thank god we both fit!
Dwayne started to cry, and I covered his mouth. We’d been through some tough times, but nothing had prepared us for this.
I heard something drop. There was a loud thump, and then I heard footsteps coming toward the bed. It was as if the person was treading slowly, but they heard Dwayne’s muffled cries.
“Mel. You here?”
There was no mistaking the voice. It was Drake. He’d come to get us. I shifted to the side, too frightened to say a word, and Dwayne’s once muffled cries turned into screams.
“Don’t worry. I’ve got you little fellow,” he said as he took Dwayne out of my arms.
Then another set of footsteps came in. I looked up to see Playboy.
“Here. Let’s get out of here. One of the guys called for backup.”
His eyes were dark, as if he’d done what I’d expected he’d done judging by the gun he shoved into his back pocket. “We need to leave here. Don’t look down. 90ust look forward.”
I nodded and did as Playboy instructed.
As we leapt out of the room, I tried not to see what he’d done, but it was hard to run when there were bodies on the ground. They’d killed for me. Some women would love it, feeling important. Look what a man had done for them.
As I ran, I struggled to keep in the vomit that tried to escape from my mouth. I saw blood a couple of times, then we leapt over someone. I saw white hair and knew it was the old woman.
Playboy shook his head. “You need to keep moving.”
I had a feeling this would be my last night on Earth if I didn’t. So I did as he said and kept going until we were outside and the sunlight burned my eyes.
How long had I been here for?
It was daylight. I thought it might be approaching dinner because my stomach was rumbling. I bet the old lady gave the meals in that order to mess with my mind, and give me a false sense of time.
Fuck her!
For kidnapping a mother and her baby.
I spotted Playboy’s Jeep.
How had he parked it so close to the barn where we were kept and managed to get us out?
I knew all my questions would be answered later. With Dwayne in Drake’s arms, the door to the vehicle shut tightly once I stepped inside. I tried to catch my breath as we sped away.
I stuck up my finger to the barn, the place I’d been captive. I would never look at one in the same light ever again. I’d always wondered what it would be like to have one as part of your property. I loved the idea of having a house and a barn. The thought no longer brought joy to my heart, leaving only sorrow as I would always remember the time I believed Dwayne and I would be killed.
* * *
Playboy saidit would be better for us to go to a motel and not to the house. It was as if he could read my mind. I was happy to be rescued and had thanked them many times, but I couldn’t imagine sleeping in my room tonight, let alone going there.