“Bikes make too much noise, and we need to rescue them and figure out the way to do it. We need a plan!” I replied as he panted heavily after throwing the trashcan.
“Yeah, let’s take the Jeep. I’ll go ahead to your house, you can explain to the guys what’s happening, and I’ll be waiting for you out there.”
I nodded as Scar moved toward his bike. I knew his job was a lot easier than mine. He knew where I kept the keys for the Jeep. I had a gun stashed at the bottom of it, and I had a feeling I would need to use it. The issue would be that Lucky was so caught up in it, he wouldn’t see sense or how to rescue Melinda without someone getting hurt.
We had no idea what we were up against. Sure, I was ex-Navy, so I knew what it meant to take another life. I’d killed people many times, I didn’t have enough fingers and toes to count them all. It wasn’t something to be proud of, and if truth be known, the first time I’d killed someone, I’d hated not only myself but my life, too.
“Lucky!” I tilted my head for him to come over to a corner as I reentered the club.
He did. He still didn’t even have his jacket on. I could tell my decision to keep him out of the rescue mission was a good one. He was into Mel, and he wasn’t thinking straight at all.
“What?” In five years, Lucky had never spoken to me that way. He ran his hand through his hair.
I offered him a joint because he needed to calm the fuck down. “You need to calm down. Take it. Smoke it. Think straight. Because the way you’re ranting and raving ain’t going to make things better.”
He ignored the joint and tossed it to the ground. “What? I can’t be getting high at a time like this. I need to be on the road. I need to be out there. Do you know that my grandson is out there?”
Yeah, I better get to the point. The reason he was president was because of his ability to lead people and see reason in a crisis.
Not today!
“We have a lead on where they might be—”
I cut him off, but then he did the same to me.
“What the fuck you waiting for? We need to be on our bikes and on the way.”
I grabbed his arm. “No. You need to talk to my lawyer. Find out how to get in touch with the PI on the case, so we can save the house and club.”
“Are you fucking mad? Their lives are in danger, and I need to be out there getting them out of this fucking mess. If I hadn’t brought them here, if I hadn’t told her about the job in the club, none of this would be happening.”
Like Scar, Lucky was suffering from guilt and feeling as if he were to blame for all this.
“You don’t have to worry about all that. It’s in the past. Right now, we need to move forward. The only way is formeto go get them with Scar and bring them back.”
Before he could say another word, Greyson came over and put a reassuring hand on his shoulder. “Leave it to Playboy. He’s a professional, and he knows what he’s doing.”
It was as if Lucky had a lightbulb moment as he realized we were trained forces and had worked in this situation many times.
“Bring them both back home,” Lucky whispered as if all the emotion had taken the wind out of him. A smirk spread across my face when I thought about the kidnappers. They didn’t know who they were messing with. But they would fucking find out and regret it.
Iwas lying on the bed waiting for the old lady to come back in. She’d done it at least ten times, which made me think we’d been here for at least three days. If she brought in three set of meals per day. I was just glad we hadn’t seen the thug who’d tossed Dwayne to the backseat. He scared me, not that the old lady was the friendliest, but maybe, her being a woman made me feel more at ease.
Earlier, she’d brought pancakes and juice, and now, it must be lunchtime with the sandwich.
The woman could cook, if she was the one cooking, and if I wasn’t being kidnapped and could tip her for the meals, then I would have done without hesitation. Especially the pancakes. I decided to take the chance to talk to her a little. “Do you think you can bring in a couple more diapers? Dwayne’s going through them like crazy.”
She nodded.
So much for my light conversation. She was clearly keeping her distance. I wondered how many had been kidnapped and put down here before me.
“As for the light, he’s only a baby. Can’t you leave it on a little longer.”
“No!” she snapped.