His sky-blue eyes widened at my words, and tears streamed down my face.

He cupped it and smiled. “When did you ever think of me as being so shallow?”

This wasn’t the way I wanted to tell him the news I’d held on to for the last couple of weeks. Four years. That’s how long high school was and it felt like I’d lost nearly most of my life to being only with Drake. We were so different compared to our friends who had a different flavor of the day for sex.

“Fuck!” he blurted as he buckled up his pants as his once erect length turned limp. “I’ve got to leave.”

“My parents will be back soon, and if you did come here only for sex, then I kinda agree you should go. But we said we would talk. We said that we would clear the air about our future. I’m not happy about you going to Cambridge.” I snatched my bra which off the floor and then grabbed my shirt, because the more we spoke, the more I got annoyed. I just felt so emotional at the moment, as if I was going to explode.

“What's wrong?” I asked, wrapping my arms around myself to keep from falling apart.

“I’ve managed to locate my dad in Illinois.”

My heart skipped a beat. Ever since his stepdad beat him so bad he ended up in hospital, and his mom pleaded with Drake to tell the concerned nurses that he had fallen down the stairs, Drake had been acting weirdly.

Then he’d learned the truth from his Nan that the man he called ‘Dad’ wasn’t really his father. He’d wanted to find his real dad. I knew that. Everything about the way Drake had been treated in the past by his stepdad made sense. His mom refused to give him any details, saying it would upset his stepdad.

I smiled, lowering my arms as he sat up and I sat beside him, lacing my fingers with his. “This is fantastic news. When? How?”

Was this why he’d been hot and cold the last few weeks? Because he’d been looking for his dad?I wished he had shared with me. I could’ve helped or at least offered support and it wouldn’t feel like there was this growing rift between us.

“It wasn’t easy. Matteo Rodriguez is a common name, and Nan didn’t have much to go on. He was invited to a birthday party, and Mom got wasted and spent one night with him. She cheated on Ken, maybe that’s why Ken treated me like crap from the time he realized there was a chance I wasn’t his son.”

We needed to talk, and part of me wondered why Drake had a lead on his dad and never told me. He’d made out that it was near enough impossible, but we’d been speaking nearly every day and he never told me that he was close to finding him.

What the fuck was going on?

I felt as if my head was spinning out of control, the boy I love and I thought I knew so well was turning into a complete stranger before he’d even left for college. So, leaving would make things even worse between us.

“Mel, don’t be mad,” he snapped. “I know I said I’d been busy getting ready for college. You have a perfect life. One that I wish I had, but let’s face it. Mine has been so damn hard for too long. Think about it. I have blue eyes and dark hair neither Ken nor Mom have. Sure, they used to joke about Nan having the same eyes as me. But I’m the black sheep…if there’s such a thing in the family. None of my features makes any sense, and I’m no fool. You know when you’re different. Or at least, I did…”

The hum of the garage door sounded, and the familiar crunch of tires on the gravel driveway alerted me.

“Shit! My parents are here.”

Without another word, we both knew our place. It would be in the living room watching a movie, and then within a few minutes, he would be gone. My parents were a bit old fashioned about some things, which was crazy seeing as we were both going to college soon.

We both sat on the sofa and managed to put on the movie just as I heard the door opening behind me. The movie we were supposedly watching started playing the credits. We’d paused it as our back-up plan, just in case they walked in.

“Drake, son,” Dad smiled as we turned to face them.


When did he ever refer to Drake that way?

My father’s dark eyes lit up as they landed on him, and I wondered why he’d had a change of heart. Dad had been a little bitter about the relationship. He said I spent all my time with Drake, which is why I never had high grades.

Drake had good grades, a football scholarship, and was heading to Harvard. Whereas Dad’s little girl wasn’t going to an Ivy League college.

Drake said I had the perfect homelife, but it was far from it.

He gave me a surprised look, which made me glance to the side and see my mom. She looked sad, as if she’d been crying, her bloodshot eyes avoiding mine.

“Hello, Mr. Wilson,” said Drake, standing up to leave. “I have to head out. My shift starts in less than an hour.”

“Oh, you’re still working at Taco World. I thought, seeing as you’re starting college soon, you would give that up.”

He had. Needing to report to work was a lie. He’d quit the job last weekend because his Nan had given him a handful of money and told him to travel and see the world this summer. I’d felt a little jealous at the time, not liking the idea of us not spending all summer together before he left for college.