Page 64 of Say You'll Stay

The waiter’s eyes bug out of his head. “Sorry, no, we were just told—”

“It’s fine,” Ted waves him off. The man stands upright and marches away. “I wasn’t thinking when I ordered it.” He folds his hands together under his chin while I try to remember him ordering ice cream. “You should just dig in.

His phone buzzes on the table again.

I won’t eat it, but it shouldn’t go to waste. “You can have it.”

It buzzes again. Gosh, that’s annoying. It’s almost every ten seconds at this point.

“No, Allie, just,” he picks up the spoon and smashes part of the side of the ice cream with it. “Just deconstruct it a little so they know you at least touched it.”

“I’m not comfortable with that. Here, why don’t we get it in a container and you can have it?”

Ted frowns while I wave down a bus person and request a box.

“Allie, just dig into it. It’s fine.”

“I’m not going to waste ice cream, Ted. It was probably expensive and you should get your money’s worth.” Not really, it’s just ice cream, and the kind I make is far superior, if I may say so myself.

His phone keeps buzzing.

“Is there some sort of emergency going on somewhere with work? Do you need to get that?”

He points a sharp scowl at the dessert plate while I scoop it into the container before he checks his phone. “Yeah, something’s come up. I have to be somewhere.”

“Sorry. What?”

“Yeah. Let’s go.”

That’s all I get. It was nice until now.

What is his problem? I’ll wait to ask. I won’t cause a scene in front of people.

I follow him out to his car and turn to him once he gets in on his side. “What the hell is your problem? I thought we were having a nice time? Is this about the dessert?”

“What the hell did you do with Lucas?”

Ah crap. “He took me to a spa because I missed the appointment Charity made for me. We ate, we went to the movies—”

“You had a date.”

“No. We hung out.”

“Sounds like a date to me, Allie.”

“That would imply feelings and stuff.” That’s the thing, though. There are feelings. But I need to clarify that part that I’m not leaving him for Lucas.

I’m a freaking mess.

“You’re saying that the guy you gave it up to and had a kid with doesn’t have any feelings? And you don’t have feelings for him? I’d make the exact opposite argument about that, Allie, especially after the way he coached Jadon to manipulate you into staying home last weekend.”

“Okay, hold on.”

His. Phone. Rings. Again.

“Hold on,” he answers the message.

“Who are you talking to?”