Page 150 of Say You'll Stay

I should have proposed when I had the chance.

“Allie, I need to ask you something—”

“Daddy!” Jadon sprints from the door to my side, knocking into some machine. Hell if I know what it is.

“Hey buddy, how are you?”

He grins up at me and there’s something about the way your kid just looks at you like you do no wrong. You truly feel like the hero they say you are.

My dad and Jen walk through the door after him. “There he is,” my dad says. “Was wondering when you were going to get off your lazy butt and wake the heck up. Got stuff to do, Lucas.”

That’s a very clean way of calling me a lazy ass after getting hit by a car.

Jen kisses my forehead and hands Allie something to eat. “Lucas, you are one crazy man, but I can’t say I wouldn’t do the same thing in your shoes. We’re just thankful you’re okay.”

Jen and my dad visit for an hour, talking about everything going on. Jadon makes his way onto the bed under my arm, which is fine. He’s cautious about wherever I am sore.

Now if I could just get Allie on my other side and under my other arm. Things would be just fine.

“I think we’re going to check in to our hotel,” Dad says. “Allie, you call us if you need anything, okay?”


Jadon sits mostly quiet on my side for the evening and through dinner until I finally convince Allie to settle in on my other side.

“I don’t want to crush you, Lucas,” she says as I pull her leg over mine.

“I’m fine. Just get comfortable while we’re squished like this. You’re sleeping right here.”

She sighs, nestling her head on my good shoulder, and rests her hand across my lap, holding it open for Jadon. His eyes bounce between Allie and me.

“Jadon, you look suspicious,” I say.

He smiles to himself and giggles as he reaches into his pocket and produces a familiar box. My eyes nearly pop out of my head while Jadon places it in Allie’s hands.

Where did he get that?

“What’s this?”

More importantly, where did he find that?

Even more importantly, what’s she going to say?

Time must stop or something because it sure as hell feels like she stares at the closed box for some time before she finally cracks it open.

There it is. Still shiny and brand new.

“It was on the ground outside of the car when Mommy pulled me out.”

Allie stares at the ring and glances up at Jadon with her brows pinched together. “You found this outside of Ted’s car?”

Jadon shrugs his shoulders. “I heard Daddy ask where his ring was and then I found that on the ground. Grandpa said it was for you, but Ted stole it.”

She holds it up, and I’m desperate for her to look at me, but she has adult concerns right now, I guess.

“Your grandpa knew you had this, and he didn’t take it for safekeeping?”

Yeah, Tom probably should have taken it. Jadon could have given it to a patient not realizing his mistake. Or worse.