“If I know Lucas,” he says, “he’s going to pull through. I’m not a medical person, but I’ve known him my entire life and I can say it with confidence that Lucas fucking Kennedy is bigger than some damn hit to his head. He’s a lucky son of a bitch, and there’s no way he’s going to let you or that little boy go just yet.” Joel takes my hand, and I want to break down now.
“You should have seen the way he looked when he first told me about you.”
“When he found out about Jadon?” I ask.
Joel shakes his head. “I mean, when he first met you. He didn’t know your name or anything, but he spent weeks looking for you. He said you were something, and he was really disappointed when he couldn’t find you.”
I didn’t know that.
“He’s not going anywhere, Allie. He’s finally found the girl that got away and things are set for you guys. Now is when you get that happy little family life. Just wait for him to wake up from his little wet dream about you and Lucas will be back to annoying the shit out of us all in no time.”
Charity scoffs. “You know, you were almost sweet for like a second and then you ruined it.”
Joel leans in to her, inches from her ear, with a sadistic grin on his face. “I missed you too, Cherry. Welcome back home. This should be fun.”
Charity rolls her eyes and I feel like an intruder in… whatever this is. I just know she hates him.
“There’s nothing fun between you and me, Joel. Get that through your thick head.”
“Oh, you still remember my thick head, huh? You miss it?”
“No, actually, I don’t. I’ve moved on, and it’s clear you haven’t. Perhaps I can suggest Katrina Vandenburg, since she’s recently single and will need someone to feed her habits. Sounds perfect for you. One slut for another.”
Joel chuckles and stands up, taking the box Charity brought. He looks at me and smiles. “Stay positive, Allie, okay? That’s all you can do right now. In the meantime, let us do our jobs to lock these sons of bitches up.” Joel looks down at Charity and winks. “You’re suspicious, Charity. You might be involved with your brother in this.”
“Oh, really? What are you going to do? Interrogate me? Put me in handcuffs or something?”
“That’s exactly what I’m going to do.”
At his words, she snaps her mouth shut and the corners of his mouth split his face. Joel turns on his heel, whistling, and struts out of the room.
What just happened?
Fuck, everything hurts.
It’s not that I’m dying; I’m probably dead. Also, my mouth is dry. This is what it’s like when you die? Lights go out and you have a dry mouth? That’s just shitty. Oh, and the annoying beeping sound.
It was worth it if they made it out alright. The fire was insane, but I needed to save the goats from the barn. The leprechaun was going to kill them. It was a good thing the bear showed up to fight the crocodiles or else I wouldn’t have been able to get inside.
It all came to a head when the spaceship appeared out of nowhere. That’s when things got really fucking weird.
A whisper startles me. “Please let him wake up soon.”