She scrambled up and offered a hand, pulling me to my feet just as two men wearing black suits and earpieces arrived in front of her.
“Nothing stirring,” said the taller of the pair. “We’re gonna head back now.”
“Thanks, boys. We’ll be right behind you.”
Only before we could follow, my phone vibrated in my bag, and a sixth sense told me who the message was from. I scrambled through the contents, shoving away tissues, my notepad, and several tubes of lip balm in my haste to get to my mobile.
Emmy looked over my shoulder as I read the message.
Mon cœur, any words I can offer will be inadequate today, but I want you to know I’m thinking of you, the way I have every second since I left. You’re strong, trésor, stronger than you believe, and your soul is my light in a dark world. I love you, and I always will. B
I’d barely got to the end of the message when Emmy snatched the phone from me, dialled, and pressed it to my ear. “If he answers, speak to him.”
Oh, hell, what was I supposed to say? My heart took off like an Olympic sprinter as the phone rang once, twice, three times. Then silence.
“Hello? Ben?”
“Gus, we shouldn’t be speaking.”
A sob escaped, and I blinked back tears. “I just wanted to hear your voice. Are you all right?”
A pause. “Yes, I’m all right. I wish I could be there for you today. Every day.”
In the background, Emmy was muttering on her own phone, and I knew without a doubt she was trying to trace the call. I also knew that I had to let her. It was my only hope of actually having Ben there with me every day.
“I want that too, more than anything. Did you find the man you were looking for?”
“Once, but he got away. Fuck. He got released, and they didn’t even tell me. If I’d known...”
“You didn’t. And there’s nothing we can do to change the past, but please don’t let him take our future too.”
“If only it was that simple. I have to go,mon cœur. It’s not just the police after me now.”
“I know. My father hired Blackwood Security.”
“And word on the street says Emerson Black herself is looking for me, and that’s worse than the cops. I love you.”
“I love you too. Please—”
But there was a click, and he hung up.
Hang on. Emerson Black. Emmy Black?
“Are you Emerson Black?”
She rolled her eyes. “Busted.”
“You’re married to that...that...?”
“Bastard? Go on, you can say it. He’s never been the easiest man to get along with.”
“You said your husband died. I thought you understood what I was going through.”
“Technically I said I got accused of killing him, which is true. I just left out the part about him not actually being dead.”
Oh, that sneaky… “How could you let me think that?”