“Perfect fit,” he whispered.
And at that moment, lying on the backseat of an old Cadillac, I could almost believe we were.
It may have been a quickie, but the orgasm still made me tingle from my fingertips to my toes, and from the way Midnight stiffened as he came, the feeling was mutual. But all too quickly, he pulled away.
“We’d better get home,” he whispered, and my heart sank. Would it always be like this?
I reached out to caress his gorgeous muscles one last time before they disappeared under his shirt, then I wriggled back into my dress. “Where are my knickers? Have you seen them?” I realised what I’d said. “Or felt them?”
“No.” A strong hand reached under my dress and cupped my ass. “But I prefer you without.”
“Be serious—I can’t leave them lying around in my grandfather’s car.”
The torch flicked on, pausing on my chest for a second before Midnight swept the beam around the Cadillac. Ah, my errant thong had draped itself over the back of the passenger seat. I hastily finished dressing while Mr. M rolled up the blanket.
A minute later, the magical night came to an abrupt end as he kissed me by the edge of the lawn.
“Until next time,” he whispered, his fingers sliding out of my grip.
“Good night,” I whispered, but even as I said it, my insides churned. How much longer would my heart allow me to keep doing this?
* * *
I took my shoes off just inside the front door so I didn’t wake Angie as I crept across the parquet floor downstairs, but it was pointless.
“Where the bloody hell have you been?” Her voice coming from the dimly lit lounge made me jump.
Busted. “I forgot about the time.”
“You’re not kidding, but that wasn’t my question.”
She walked over, now wearing a dressing gown rather than her party frock. “What happened to your dress?”
I glanced down at the torn seam on the shoulder, unsure how to answer as she took a delicate sniff.
“Flipping heck—you reek of sex.” Her jaw dropped. “You’ve been with Gregory!”
“No, I haven’t.”
“Well, you’ve been with somebody. I haven’t seen you this doolally since Ben Durham kissed you on the cheek in primary school when you were ten years old.”
Dammit, Angie knew me too well to fall for a lie. “It wasn’t Gregory.”
“You picked up another man at the party? Wow, that’s...brazen.”
“It didn’t happen like that. My liaison was kind of...prearranged.”
Angie’s whoop of delight made my head pound at that time in the morning. “Hang on, you lined up a man for a shag? Gus, I’m shocked. And pleased—it’s about time you lost the chastity belt. So, who’s the lucky guy?”
“Nobody you know.”
“Try me. I know every eligible man in the county.”
“It’s not quite as simple as that. I don’t exactly know who he is either.”