Page 36 of Carbon

The padded window seat with its decorative cushions looked so inviting I just wanted to curl up on it and sleep, but I forced myself to squint through the glass. A lone figure stood halfway to the front gate, hunched over as he smoothed the gravel, a pointless task if ever there was one. Someone would drive over it within the hour.

Come on, look up.

A minute later, my wish was granted. Beau glanced to the sky, and even though I’d expected it, I still gasped at the sight of his hairless chin.

Beau was Mr. Midnight, no doubt about it. And now I had the hardest decision of my life to make.

As I watched him at work, a white van drove past and stopped outside the front door. There—not even an hour. Now he’d have to do that bit again.

My thoughts were interrupted by Dorothy calling me from downstairs, a hint of excitement in her voice.

“Miss Augusta? Ma’am?”

Mother always taught me not to yell, so I hurried down the stairs and found Dorothy in the hallway, holding a huge bunch of lilies. Yellow mixed with pink. Pollen dropped onto the carpet with every step Dorothy took.

“They came for you, ma’am.”

I plucked the card from between the blooms, fingers shaking as I opened the tiny envelope.

My dearest Augusta,

I hope you enjoyed last night as much as I did.


I confess my heart sank, and I realised with a start that I’d hoped the bouquet had been sent by Midnight. But why would he? We only had sex—that was our unwritten agreement. It seemed Gregory was the hearts and flowers guy.

“Aren’t they lovely?” Dorothy said. “I’ll find a vase and bring them to the annex.”

“Thank you.”

Meanwhile, I needed to compose a suitable response to Gregory. I considered phoning, but if he was at work, I didn’t want to disturb him. A text message would have to do for now.

Thank you so much for the flowers. They’re beautiful.

With no desire to see Mother this morning for another lecture about wearing jeans, I headed back to the annex, thinking only of bed. But before I could crawl back under the duvet, my phone buzzed.


Not as beautiful as you. Would you do me the honour of accompanying me to lunch tomorrow?

Angie’s words echoed in my mind as I tapped out a reply.

I’d love to. What time? And where shall we meet?


I’ll pick you up at twelve thirty.


Gregory brought his town car again, only this time he opened the door for me himself rather than letting the chauffeur do it. Once inside, he smiled at me across the middle seat.

“Thank you for coming today.”

“It’s my pleasure.”

“Still...” He took a deep breath, and I sensed he wanted to get something off his chest. “After the way I acted on our first two encounters, I’m surprised you agreed. I behaved like a dolt. I confess, I only agreed to see you because Mother insisted, and I had no idea quite how lovely you’d turn out to be.”