He holds up two packets of nappies. “Which one is the best?” Both are different sizes which tells me that Jaxon doesn’t have a clue about nappies or babies.
“First of all, how old is the baby?”
He furrows his brows as he looks at the nappies before he looks up at me again with a pleading look on his beautiful face. “He’s three years and a few months.”
I chuckle as I take the nappie out of his hands and put them back on the shelf. “Most toddlers that age don’t need nappies. He will tell you that he is a big boy.” I smile at the confused look on his face. “You don’t know much about kids, do you?”
He shakes his head as his shoulders drop. “No… Ask me anything about cows and horses. I know everything there is to know about them, but not babies. How am I supposed to do this?” He grabs his trolly and turns it around. I place my hand on his arm and that same spark that was there before shoots through my arm straight to my core. Damn, this man for making me feel things that I am not wanting to feel. “I was recently told that my ex-girlfriend had a baby. My son. He is just over three years old. I have to take care of him and I don’t know the first thing about him or kids.” I bite my lip not to laugh at his rambling.
“First off. You will learn everything there is to know about that little boy. You are his father and he will know that you love him. Secondly, let me help you with the basics. The two of you will learn to get to know each other as time goes on.”
“You would do that for me?” He asks a bit surprised and I nod. I am surprising myself right now. Helping out a fellow townsman doesn’t mean I have to open up to him. Doesn’t even mean I have to spend time with him or be friends with him. He is just in a predicament that I am able to help him out of.
“Yes.” I smile as I push my trolley a little forward. “What do you have for him so far?” He sheepishly smiles at me with his green eyes sparkling.
“A horse, a room, and a pair of cowboy boots.” He proudly states and I turn around so he doesn’t see me laughing. It will be a while before the boy will be able to ride a horse and I am sure the cowboy boots won’t fit him for a while either. But I admire the sentiment that Jaxon wants to raise him like a true Texan.
I turn back at him and he just stares at me with something unspoken in his eyes. “Let’s go, Cowboy!” I nod toward the cashier. He follows behind me and I unload my trolly. I might not have everything I need, but Jaxon needs this right now more than I need food. I can always order takeout. “When is he coming to you?”
“Social services are dropping him off tomorrow morning. I have to have this perfect, she already doesn’t like me.” He huffs as he says that. I hate that they sometimes punish everyone, because of one person’s mistakes. It’s not hard to see that Jaxon cares about this little boy. I don’t know what the story is with him and his ex, but I don’t need to know. That is Jaxon’s story and he doesn’t have to share it. The same with mine. I don’t need to share my story with anyone. No one needs to know why I moved to Piper Falls. The fact that Social Service is involved means that it’s serious and I want to help him to get his son and show this lady that she’s wrong about him even though I don’t really know him. I know that he is a good guy, that much I can tell from the few hours I have spoken to him.
“It will be perfect. We have a lot to do before tomorrow.” I pay for my groceries before we head to my truck. “Let me drop this off at my house and then we can go do what we need to do for you.”
Jaxon helps me load the groceries into my truck. “I will follow you then we can take my truck.” He doesn’t let me say anything as he walks over to his truck. I let out a soft breath as I get into my truck and pull out of the parking lot. I drive off to see Jaxon following me. I hate that he will know where I live. That was not part of the deal, but there isn’t anything I can do about it now. I told him I would help him and logically it would be easier to use only one truck.
After getting my groceries inside and getting the frozen items put away, we make our way to town. He needs to get a few items. We walk into a shop and I show him a few options. I advised him to only get a few clothing items until he knows what his son likes. Only to get him settled for now. He decides on a fire truck bedding set that makes me smile. He chose that without even knowing if his son would like it. It was either that or the dinosaur's bedding set which he didn’t like. He grabs a few other items for his room and toys. I see the most adorable horse plushie, I grab it to get it for the little boy.
Jaxon pays for his things and I pay for the plushie. Jaxon pushes the trolley to his truck and I put the plushie into one of the bags. I don’t want to make a big deal about it.
I watch as Jaxon loads his truck before he turns towards me. “Taylor is going to love this. I hope.” He wipes his hands on his jeans with nervousness.
“He is one lucky little boy.” I pat his back a little awkwardly. He smiles as he opens up my door for me. We don’t say much as we head towards my house. “Will you be alright to put everything together?” I ask a little unsure if I want to know the answer. I don’t want to spend more time with him than needed.
“I will be. The hard part is over. I will get everything set up and wait for tomorrow and hope my son likes me.” He answers as he pulls up to my house. I glance at him to see the uncertainty and hopefulness.
“He will love you. You're his father.” I scrunch up my nose as I give him a wink. “Try to get some sleep.” I open my door and get ready to jump out. I turn around to face him before I close the door. “Don’t let that social services lady get to you. She will soon see that you are what’s best for him. That you love him. He deserves to be with his father.” He smiles at me as his emerald eyes shine with adoration.
“See you soon Shortcake.” I laugh as I close the door. Normally I wouldn’t let someone call me that. I know I am short, no one needs to remind me, but hearing Jaxon call me that made me feel different. It has a different meaning to it when he calls me that. It just feels different.
He winks as I take a step back as he pulls out of my driveway. I stand and watch as he pulls away and drives off. I hope that things work out for him.
Chapter Six
? Jaxon ?
I take a sip of my beer as Caleb and Logan sit next to me. Both of them have helped me set up Taylor’s room. Both of them have no idea who Taylor is but they do what I need them to do because they are my friends, my ranch hands, my family.
I stare out over the pasture as the sun starts to set and the sky turns a shade of black, purple, and blue. The blue reminds me of her blue orbs with that hint of silver. It’s like she can look straight into my soul. Like she knows what I need before I even know it. I can’t stop thinking about how her face lights up every time she laughs, how her smile reaches her eyes, but there is still pain in her eyes. She doesn’t seem to trust anyone. Every time I asked her about herself she would change the subject and talk about something other than herself. She thought I didn’t pick up on it, but I did. I just didn’t want to push her.
Bentley Cruz was making me feel things that I haven’t felt in a long time. I loved Tayna with my whole heart, she was it for me. I was going to propose that December, but she left without a word. She left me brokenhearted and I thought that I would never even feel a spark with a girl again. I have had my fair share of ladies, a man has needs. But Bentley Cruz knocked the wind right out of me and set my heart on fire. I have this internal flame that burns just for her. One that we can grow together.
For right now, I need to focus on Taylor and then when he is settled I can work on dating the blond beauty with the beautiful blue soul-searching eyes. I have the perfect plan to see her again without seeming too obvious.
“Are you going to tell us why we got a room ready for a kid?” Logan asks as he glances my way. Logan has been my best friend since we were kids. He knows everything about me and Tayna. He was here picking up the pieces when she broke me apart.
“I have a son…”
“What?” He snaps his head in my direction and we even have Caleb’s attention now. Caleb raises his eyebrow at me.