When I moved here I didn’t expect to be in a firehouse that was like a family. They respect each other and have each other's back, no matter your rank or gender or even which gender you love. My previous firehouse treated me like a porcelain doll. They never wanted me to do anything and I was just there to clean and cook. I didn’t let it get me down as I gave it my all. I was going to show them that I can be just as good of a firefighter as they were.
Then I came here and they see me as one of them. These guys are like my brothers. They each have a different personality and I have laughed at some of their stories, but they are all family.
If I had to do this all over again knowing what I know now. I would still move and start fresh here. I would still leave my whole life behind and come here. I feel like this is where I was supposed to be. This is where my life really starts.
We pull into the firehouse and everyone jumps out. “Luke and Ashe please clean the rig for us. Bentley, my office now!.” Blake walks away and I swallow the lump that is stuck in my throat.
I follow him and he motions for me to sit before he takes his seat behind his desk. “Are you okay?” His eyes show his concern even though his body radiates power and dominance.
“I am.” I touch the cut on my forehead. “I didn’t notice the guy in the car. I am the one that didn’t pay attention.” He shakes his head before I can lower mine.
“No one saw the guy. You did your job. I just want to make sure that you are alright. It could have been way worse than what it was.” Blake's eyes soften a little. “I will ask you again. Are you alright?”
“I really am.” My smile doesn’t leave my lips. This would have never happened where I am from. They would have had my ass for not paying attention. I know it can be dangerous, but I will never put my life in danger or any of my brothers and sisters.
This shift might have been a quiet one but it’s the one that really showed me how my new family is. How they care about each other. I do know that Keelan, Blake, and Luke have been friends since they were kids, but they treat everyone with the same respect.
I can’t wait to get home and just catch up on some sleep before heading over to Jaxon. I don’t think I will ever be able to have a day without him ever again.
Chapter Sixteen
? Jaxon ?
I sigh as I tighten my arm around Bentley. She’s snuggled on my left side while Taylor is on my right side. The two most important people in my life are laying next to me. I hate that she has to leave today and go to work. I just want to keep her in my arms.
It’s been a few weeks since she got hurt at work. Even though it was only a scratch or two, I still hated the fact that she got hurt. One thing I do know is that she loves her job and I will never take that from her even though I want to protect her. I know that her firehouse brothers will protect her when I can’t.
She moves a little and I look down at her. She doesn’t even know what she’s doing to me. I kiss the top of her head taking in the heat of her petite body against mine.
“Daddy, I’m hungry.” My little monster whispers. He reaches out his hand to take Bentley’s.
“I’m also hungry and I need to head out for work.” She groans as she stretches next to me without letting go of Taylor’s hand. My sexy as fuck girl is laying in my bed with my shirt on. If my son wasn’t here I would have had my breakfast before feeding her. I can’t seem to get enough of her.
I kiss her lips before I move Taylor to lie next to her. “You two lay here and I will get you some breakfast.” I slide out of bed. The two of them snuggle into each other. “I love you both,” I whisper but they don’t hear me. I am waiting for the right time to tell her how I feel. I don’t want to scare her away.
I make my way to the kitchen and start on some pancakes. Bentley still has about two hours before she has to be at the station. Logan walks in with a shit-eating grin on his face. “Who’s milk did you steal?” I ask as I flip the pancakes.
“I met a girl last night, she was amazing and this morning she was gone.” He pours two cups of coffee and hands me one. “One day I will have what you and Bentley have.”
“Don’t bring girls around the house that you don’t plan on having a relationship with. I don’t want Taylor to see that shit and I don't want girls causing trouble with Bentley.” I warn as I put the bacon in the frier. Logan takes a sip of his coffee and looks a little guilty as he watches me.
“Sorry man, I didn’t think of that. I will make sure to go to their places from now on.” He looks down at his cup. Logan has always been a massive player and he isn’t planning on changing anytime soon. He needs that special girl that can handle Logan. The girl that won’t take his shit and give him hell.
I finish breakfast while Logan and I go over what needs to be done this week. It being spring, brings a whole new list of duties. If we want to plant Sunflowers as we have discussed then we will have to get the lands ready for it. We aren’t a crop farm, but I always do a field with sunflowers for the local florist. It’s wedding season and sunflowers are in high demand being a small town and all.
We also need to get the cattle ready for auction. Logan and Caleb will be taking them, while I take care of the horses. I also have a few horse riding lessons now that spring break is around the corner.
I was just about done when Bentley and Taylor came down the stairs. She walks over to me and kisses me on the cheek. “Morning Logan.” She says as she walks over to grab herself a coffee and Taylor a juice. “What do you guys have planned today?” She helps Taylor into his chair before she sits down next to him. I put a plate of pancakes and bacon in front of the two of them.
“Logan is going to get the cattle ready, while I disk the land we want to plant Sunflowers on. I also have three lessons this afternoon. Do you want me to bring you dinner at the station?” I take a seat next to Taylor and help him with his pancakes. She nods in agreement as she stuffs some pancakes into her mouth.
“I would love to see you tonight.” She adds after she has swallowed her bite. We finish our breakfast with talks about our week and what we plan to do this weekend. I smile as I think about the date I want to take her on. Just the two of us. I have already arranged with Logan to watch Taylor for the night. I want to take her down to the lake and have a picnic and hopefully get a chance to tell her that I love her.
The sun is beating down on me as I pull the tractor into the workshop. I have disked the land to get it level, now Logan just needs to get it ready for me to plant the seeds. I have been at it for a few hours and need to hydrate before my first lesson of the day arrives.
I walk over to the house to see the Everton truck parked in my driveway. I swear today I am shooting someone. The Wyatt asshole from the other day is standing against the truck with some other guy in jeans and a t-shirt. The jeans guy looks like something out of a Mafia novel. Not that I read those kinds of books but my girl loves them and I listen when she talks.