Page 21 of Doctor Right

“My God, what are you doing here?” I cried, hugging him as tight as I could.

“I’ll leave you two alone. Take care of her tonight, would you?” the doctor said before leaving the room.

It felt like forever that we’d stood there holding one another. Then Asher guided me over to the chair and sat down.

“What are you doing here?” I questioned, wiping the tears off my cheeks.

“I’m here for a conference.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Well, I wasn’t sure until yesterday that I could be here, to be honest. So, I decided that if I was able, I’d surprise you. I checked with admissions to see what floor your mom was on and came up. Have you eaten anything?”

I shook my head. I hadn’t been taking care of myself at all. Most days I’d lived on a piece of toast or an apple.

“Well, how about you get your things and come stay with me for the night? I have a room at the Hyatt, just across the street.”

I wrapped my arms around his neck, still not believing he was sitting in front of me. “I’m so glad you are here. I’ve missed you.”

“I missed you as well. Come on, let’s go get you something to eat.”

* * *

We’d orderedin room service and spent the evening lounging in bed watching television. It was a little past ten when the credits rolled on the show we were watching and he shut the TV off, reached up, and shut the light out. He put his arm under my neck and pulled me closer into him.

“Are you sure you’re doing okay?” he whispered.

That had been what I was telling him through text. I didn’t want him to worry about me. Only with him here now, it was a little hard to prove it. “Not really. It’s hard. I’m lonely.” I sniffled.

He was quiet for a moment. “I wish I could be here with you. So does Brie. She told me to tell you that. She also told me in an extremely firm text message to tell you not to call Miles.”

I couldn’t help but let out a laugh. “Why on earth would she think I’d call Miles?”

“I don’t know. She seemed to think that you might, for some sort of comfort, I’m guessing.”

“Oh my God, he’d be the last person I’d call for comfort. A wall would provide better comfort.”

“I guess perhaps she’s just concerned and, like me, wishes she could be here.”

I grew quiet and snuggled against him. I wished nothing more than to have them both here as a support system; however, life had been testing me in a lot of ways over the past few years, and every time I faced those challenges alone.

“God, why would she think I’d call him,” I repeated, rolling away from Asher. “Does she think I’m stupid or something? I mean, would you call your ex if you needed emotional comfort?”

“Not a chance in hell!” Asher chuckled, pulling me back into him.

“What happened between the two of you, anyways?” I questioned. We’d never really talked in depth about either of our situations.

“So many things.”

I could see enough of his face from the moonlight that poured through the window that he didn’t want to tell me any more than I wanted to tell him what had happened between Miles and myself. I didn’t want him to be angry and to ruin the night, so instead I rolled onto my back. “Never mind, it’s none of my business.”

“Whoa, just a minute. I want to tell you. I just don’t want you to think badly of me.”

“Why would I think bad of you?”

“Because most women do after I tell them the story.”

“There isn’t any judgment here,” I said, laying back on my side and facing him.