“You should really go shopping soon,” he said. “If you want, I can have groceries sent over. Your fridge shouldn’t be so bare.”

He picked up his plate and cup of coffee, then left the kitchen. Confused, Stella followed him.

“Richard, what did they say?” she repeated. “Answer me please.”

He set a plate and coffee cup on the coffee table, but he kept his back to her. “I need to think, Stella.”

She stared at the back of his head for a moment, then, “Richard--”

“I’m sorry, I can’t stay for breakfast,” he said as he turned and walked into the bedroom. She followed him, stopping in the doorway to watch him as he gathered his clothes and started getting dressed.

“You’re just not going to tell me?”

He’d gotten his shirt on and was buttoning it when she asked. He froze, his fingers only halfway up. “Stella,” he said finally. He looked up at her, his eyes searching hers for understanding, “I need some time to think about all this, all right?”

“All this meaning us?”

His mouth moved as if he meant to say something but he stopped himself. “I need some time, Stella. That’s all I’m saying.”

He buttoned his shirt the rest of the way, then walked passed her, out of her bedroom, and out of the apartment. Stella stood there for a moment, trying to rationalize what just happened, but she couldn’t.

She needed to give him his space. That’s all she did know and that, she could agree, was probably for the best. As lovely as this time had been between them, it was probably best that they take the time to figure things out before they went any further.

Stella started to feel an ache in her chest, though. She wouldn’t have said it aloud just yet, but she hoped that in the end, it was her that he chose.


Stelladidn’thearfromRichard again for the rest of the weekend, leaving her more than just a little confused about the entire course of events. Things had clearly changed between them. This wasn’t just about the contract anymore. There was more between them, now. It was entirely unexpected and Stella didn’t exactly know what she wanted out of this relationship. What she did know was that they weren’t going to be able to move past it until they talked about it.

In his rush to leave, Richard left his suit jacket behind. She thought that he would call her and arrange to come get it. When Monday came around and he hadn’t shown up, she decided that she would take the initiative and bring it to him instead. She hoped he wouldn’t be too angry at her for popping up at his job, but, then, to all outside eyes, they were supposed to be engaged. If he was upset, then it wasn’t like he would be able to embarrass her in public.

She walked into the building he worked in and paused, looking around at the high ceilings and glass walls.It must take hours to clean…

She walked across the lobby, giving the appearance that she knew exactly where she was going even though she’d never been in the building before that day. Thanks to Richard’s binder, she knew what floor his office was on. She didn’t exactly knowwherebut she imagined she could deduce that relatively quickly.

When Stella got to his floor, she did a quick look around the hallway and spotted the door with his name on it. That was easy enough. She was about to walk to it when she heard a rattling noise. She turned around to see her ex-husband walking towards her, pushing a cart full of letters and packages. She froze, the feeling like she was hallucinating coming over her.No, it can’t be…

He slowed down to a stop and they stared at one another for a long moment. Stella’s mouth went dry as she struggled to find the ability to speak. Finally, she whispered out a raspy, “What the hell are you doing here?”

He smiled and walked around the cart to close the distance between them. The closer he got, the more she wanted to run, but her feet wouldn’t move. She was frozen in place by his cold stare. “I told you we weren’t over,” he said. “I’m not giving up on us, Stella.”

He reached out and touched her arm and she flinched. “Don’t touch me,” she said. She looked down at his white shirt and khaki slacks and nametag and her mind reeled. “You…you’re working here.”

“Yeah,” he said with a little laugh. “I am. I started a few weeks ago. I had to get a good look at this new guy you’re into. Gosh, Stella, I never thought you’d go for the rich asshole type.”

“That’s none of your business,” she said stiffly.

“It is. It’s always going to be my business.” He reached out to touch her again and she shrank away, this time her feet coming loose from their place under her and allowing her to take a step back. He grimaced, then grabbed her arm, yanking her back him.

“You think you’re better than me, huh?” he growled. “You think you can just prance your pretty ass in here to see your boyfriend and I’ll never find out about it? You little slut, I’ll teach you--”

“Let her go.”

They both looked up to see Richard standing outside of his office, a cold stare in his dark eyes. He was looking at Curtis with a glare that Stella had never seen before and hoped never to see again.

Curtis’ face changed back to something resembling something normal and he let Stella go. Stella stepped back from him, desperate to get out of the line of fire. “Sir,” said Curtis, smiling as if nothing had happened. “Wow, I was just about to come to your office--”

“Is this your ex?” Richard asked as he walked up to Curtis. He wasn’t looking at Stella, but the question was directed at her.