“This is a Picasso,” she said.

“It is,” he responded.

“Is it real?”

“Of course, it is,” he said as he walked over to the desk in the corner of the room. He pulled out the papers that his lawyer had drawn up - a simple contract and a non-disclosure agreement. When she turned and saw him with the paperwork, she smiled softly.

“Right,” she said. “This must be dessert.”

“Correct,” he said. They walked over to the desk and he pulled out a pen. “All you need to do is sign here....”

She took the contract out of his hands and started reading through it. He cleared his throat. “It’s a lot to get through. You don’t have to read--”

“I never sign anything without reading it,” she said without looking up.

“Smart,” he said. “But if you’re going to read it, maybe you should have your lawyer--”

“I think I can handle it,” she said with a slight smile. She wandered over to the couch by the fireplace and sat down, reading the contract silently. Richard walked over to his drink tray. He could use a scotch right about now.

“Would you like a drink?”

“Mm, maybe after,” she said, distantly.

He shook his head and started pouring himself a glass.

He sat in the easy chair across from her, sipping his scotch and waiting while she read. After about twenty minutes, she said, “What’s this…PDA clause about?”

She looked up at him expectantly. “PDA means public displays of affection.”

She narrowed her eyes at him. “I know what PDA stands for,” she said, “I’m asking how far that PDA extends.”

“What do you mean?”

She rolled her eyes. “I knew there was going to be a catch. You know, you rich dudes sure do take a long way around to pay for sex. If you need somebody to fuck you for money, I’m not your girl.”

Richard’s brow furrowed deeply. “Who said anything about sex?” he said. “PDA isn’t sex.”

“In real life sure,” she said. “How do I know that this won’t be construed to mean I’ll be subject to dog and pony shows?”

He might’ve laughed if it wasn’t so completely absurd. “Let me make it completely clear, then,” he said. “I have no intention whatsoever of having sex with you. The PDA clause is there because we might actually be expected to show affection in public. Like kissing or playing footsie under the table or things like that.”

She grimaced, then turned her eyes back to the pages. By the time she was finished, Richard was done with his glass of Scotch and was on his way back to his drink tray for another.

“It all looks in order,” she said. “I’m still pretty suspicious of the PDA clause, though. Maybe if you take it out…”

“I’m not taking it out.”

“Look, Rich…”

“Richard,” he corrected, glaring at her as he looked over his shoulder at her. She rolled her eyes again.

“Richard,” she said, putting an obnoxious emphasis on the ‘d’ in his name. “I’m not signing anything until we are crystal clear that no sex is happening in this agreement.”

“We are crystal clear about it.”

“Even with this PDA clause?”

He turned to her, smiling sardonically. “I would rather sooner stick my dick in a woodchipper,” he said.