He nodded slowly. “This was never supposed to be anything but business, Stella.”

Stella felt herself flinch inside. Maybe she’d misread the situation. She braced herself for his rejection. “I know,” she responded. “I was just supposed to pretend to be in love with you. The thing is, I don’t think it’s pretend any more.”

Something in his eyes changed. His eyebrows lifted and his eyes softened. “What are you saying?”

“I think you know what I’m saying,” she said. “And you might not feel the same way now, but…but I figure if you let yourself, maybe you might find that you do feel something for me, too.”

He didn’t say anything. He just stared, his face a mask of indecision, sorrow, and…something else? Sympathy? She couldn’t tell.

Before he could respond, Stella heard his office door open behind her. She turned to see Rebecca holding the door open, a smirk on her face.

“Wow, that was really beautiful,” she said. “It’s too bad you’re wasting all that onhim.”

She walked into the room and Richard glared, his eyes burning with anger. “Don’t you know how to knock?” he said. She walked up to him and smiled wide.

“You almost got away with it,” she said to Richard. “You actually had me worried there for a second. I should have known, though. There was no way you could have a fiancée unless you paid her for it.” She glanced over at Stella. “At least you picked a hooker that doesn’t look like a hooker.”

“Hooker?!” Stella squawked. “Who are you calling a hooker?”

“You, of course,” said Rebecca as she turned around to her. “How much is he paying you, sweetie? Whatever it is, I’ll double it if you testify against him when we contest this in court.”

“Rebecca,” Richard said, “I’m going to have to ask you to leave.”

“Why?” she said. “I have more of a right to be here than your whore.”

“Hey!” said Stella, “I am not a prostitute.”

“Sure you’re not,” she responded. “So, did he pay you extra to sleep with him? I know it’s been a long time since he’s had any--”

“That’s enough,” said Richard, raising his voice. She jumped a little and turned to him.

“Touchy,” she said. “All right, I’ll leave. But I have to let you know that I don’t think the estate lawyer is going to overlook this, even if he was close to your father.”

“Rebecca, if you call that lawyer--”

“What?” she asked him defiantly. “What will you possibly do to me? I’ll tell you what. I’ll let you tell the lawyer what you’ve been up to. That way you can let him know that you’re just going to sign over everything to me.”

“I’ll do no such thing.”

“Yes, you will, or else the estate lawyer won’t be the only person I talk to,” said Rebecca with a sneer. “I’m sure the board would love to hear all about this whole thing, too. God, I can’t imagine the kind of humiliation you’d endure. It might take years before anyone takes you seriously again.”

Richard ground his teeth but said nothing. Her smile broadened and she said, “I’ll let you think about it. But don’t take too long. I might just feel real chatty one day and let something slip.”

She left. Stella turned to Richard who just stood there, shellshocked. She walked up to him and touched him on the shoulder. He pushed her hand away, walking to the other side of the desk.

“Richard,” she said. “This doesn’t have to be the end. Only Rebecca knows and it’s her word against ours. I mean, she’s been thinking this wasn’t real anyway--”

“Stop. Talking.”

Stella stopped and looked at him woundedly. He took a deep breath, closing his eyes for a moment. “This is done,” he said, finally. “I’ll pay you for your time, but there’s no reason for you to stick around.”

“No,” she said, her heart pounding like a drum. “Don’t say that. Things have changed between us. It’s more than just a contract.”

He started looking through the drawers of his desk until he pulled out a checkbook. “I’m going to give you more than I promised,” he said as he started writing. “For all the aggravation.”

“Stop,” she said. “Please, Richard. Don’t do this.”

She was silenced by the sound of him tearing the check out of its home. He handed it to her, saying, “Take it.”