Page 32 of Twisted Road

I burst into laughter. “Mobbed up? It’s a gang. Not the mafia.”

“I don’t know.” She huffs. “The only thing I know about bikers is what I’ve seen on TV,” she says, laughing.

“Then you don’t know much. Hollywood gets a lot wrong.”

Lauren’s eyes dance with mischief. “So this boyfriend, is he mobbed up?”

I hadn’t planned on telling Lauren the whole truth, but since she already knows and the Dullahan isn’t like the Italian mob, we swear no vow of omertà I guess I’m free to talk about it. I trust Lauren with my life, but I don’t want to endanger her. I have to choose my words carefully.

“I’m not answering that. You’ve seen enough mob movies to know what happens to rats.”

Lauren flashes a wicked smile that disappears when the reality sinks in. “Mum’s the word. Your secrets are safe with me.”

“It’s kind of an arranged marriage,” I say, waiting for the inevitable judgement. But it never comes. “So here I am.”

“Wow. That’s heavy. And you’re cool with it?”

“It’s either this or a war. And I don’t want that. I know what people think of the Dullahans, but I grew up with them. I care about them.”

“Of course you do. They’re your family. If I had a brother, I wouldn’t want him caught up in a gang war, either.”

Lauren’s complete and utter understanding is almost too much for me. It makes me even more grateful to have a friend like her.

Chapter 21


We just got back from New York a few hours ago. I have bigger issues than whatever Billy fucking Locksley wants, like the Bratva moving in on our turf. But Aurora’s in my bedroom wearing next to nothing and giving me a pleading look. I stare at her for a few seconds, unable to process what she’s saying. The sight of her bare legs is short circuiting my brain. I can’t help imagining them wrapped tightly around me.

“What?” I ask.

“Dad wants to know I’m alright. So does Liam.”

“Then call them,” I say, exasperated. Why are we having this conversation? “Nick returned your phone.”

“They want toseeme.”

I look back at the laptop screen. I need something with a cash flow. The fewer credit card transactions, the better. With the drug money from the Dullahans, we have an exponentially higher revenue than before. “No, Aurora.”

“We have a truce.” I can hear the frustration in her voice, but I don’t have time for her family drama. I need to get this done so I can focus on the Bratva.

“I’m warning you now, this could cause trouble.”

“The threat on my life will keep dad and the Dullahans in line. I promise.”

It’s difficult to resist rolling my eyes, but I manage. “If they step out of line, they’re the dead ones.”

I probably shouldn’t tell Aurora that, but I’m so distracted it pops out. Hell, maybe I meant to say it. I don’t want her to think I’ll kill her. She’s been through enough without fearing I’ll murder her. Not that she needs to worry. That’s never been a part of my plan.

“So one meeting?” Aurora prods. There’s a furrow in her brow and my fingers twitch. I want to smooth it out, such an unfamiliar urge it stops me in my tracks. Just as well, Aurora doesn’t seem to care for casual touches or caresses. Any show of affection from me and her hackles are up.

“One meeting,” I allow. “But they come here. If they step out of line, I’ll handle it the way I want. Still want to do this?”

“Yes, because it’s going to be fine.”

I look levelly at her. She needs to grasp the full meaning of my words. “I’ll handle it the way I would if you weren’t present.”

“Like I said, it’s going to be fine.”