Page 51 of Twisted Road

Caine and his men close in on the Bratva. The Dullahans are already crowding around Liam, protecting their injured vice president.

“Stay back,” Ivan threatens. He squeezes my throat. I claw at his arm. He doesn’t notice.

Caine looks at me like I’ve gone crazy. Maybe I have. Right now I have bigger problems.

“What do you want?” I ask Ivan.

“Boston,” he growls. “And all of you dead.”

“Hurt her and you die,” Caine threatens. “If you don’t give her back right now, I’ll make your death last for days. I’ll skin the flesh from your bones and brick you up in a wall.”

“We are going to leave here with the little biker princess,” Ivan says. “No one is going to follow us and Boston is now Bratvan territory.”

“The fuck it is! Let go of my sister!” Liam roars.

Caine stares the Russians down. “You’re all dead men.”

I catch Caine’s eye and pray he can read my mind. His expression shifts. Going from furious to unreadable.

“Why the fuck are you here?” Caine demands.

“Tell your men to lower their fucking guns,” Ivan says.

The second I feel his focus shift, I strike. I step back into Ivan, shifting his weight, and I throw him over my shoulder.

Ivan hits the ground. Hard.

Caine lunges and all hell breaks loose. The O’Connors and the Dullahans swarm the Bratva. I hit the ground and cover my head with my arms. Bullets and fists fly above me in an unholy racket.

As soon as it begins, it’s over. Caine’s pulling me into his arms, holding me like he’s never going to let go. And I hug him back.

“Nothing to see here, folks,” Gus announces. “That includes you, preacher.”

Gus prods him in the back to get him to walk faster.

Caine lets go of me because Liam makes him. Liam pulls me into a bearhug.

“Thank god you’re alright,” he whispers.

“Back at you.”

I turn around in time to see Caine now has Ivan in a headlock. When the other Russians try to come to his aid, the O’Connors’ men hold them off at gunpoint.

Caine twists Ivan’s neck and it snaps. The crack makes my stomach lurch. I look away from his limp, lifeless body on the ground.

Caine roars. “LET THEM THROUGH!”

His men comply. Caine grabs the nearest Bratva member and tears into him. The others try to run. Caine’s men close in on them, keeping them trapped.

I stand on the sidelines watching as Caine rips through the Bratva like an unhinged madman until he’s the only one left standing. His clothes are dripping with blood and he has never looked better. He’s a monster and I should be repulsed, but I’m not. He will kill to protect me and as Billy’s daughter, that’s a love language I’m fluent in.

I love him. The realization hits like a ton of bricks.

Chapter 29


I still haven’t recovered from the scare of nearly losing Aurora. I’m not sure I will ever forget the terror. Throughout my life, I’ve been in many situations that should have scared me, but they didn’t. Maybe because I didn’t have anyone to lose. Like the time I was locked in a hotel room and a rival gang set fire to the floor. Then there was the time I was kidnapped and tortured for three days. I’d known I’d either escape or die all without a sliver of fear. For the first time in my adult life, I know what it’s like to be terrified.